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In this section, you will look at model performers in the following events: Sprint Hurdles High Jump Long Jump Javelin Discus Shot Putt.

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2 In this section, you will look at model performers in the following events: Sprint Hurdles High Jump Long Jump Javelin Discus Shot Putt

3 Sprint Model Performer  Take long strides  Elbows high and drive them forward beside the body  Lift knee high in stride  Run on the balls of your feet  Face relaxed - jelly jaw - no tension - mouth relaxed  Shoulders held down (long neck), back (not hunched), relaxed and square in the lane at all times  Eyes focused at the end of the lane - tunnel vision

4 Hurdles Model Performer  attack the hurdle and aim to clear it, by approx. 17 to 18 cm, as quickly and efficiently as possible  Lead leg knee is picked up fast and driven at the hurdle. Lower part of leg extends forward over the hurdle  lead leg straightens as it descends towards the ground  Trail knee sweeps wide and flat over the hurdle with the foot cocked at the ankle so that the foot does not hit the barrier  Three strides are used to cover the ground between the hurdles

5 High Jump Model Performer  The run-in should be curved in towards the bar to give your body the angle and speed to launch.  You should take off from the foot furthest from the bar  Aim to drive yourself upwards, using your arms to power yourself over the bar.  Use your leading leg to twist your body over the bar and aim to lay back.  Arch your back and lift your hips  Even after your bottom has cleared the bar, make sure you lift your head and feet to complete the clearance

6 Long Jump Model Performer  About halfway down, pump those arms and legs to get maximum speed and hit the board in top gear  On take-off, power yourself by driving your leading leg upward.  force your body through the air by circling your arms  thrust both legs outward in their extended position, and drive your hands down.  This will thrust your shoulders and head forward  On landing, bend your knees and move your upper body forward as you hit the sand

7 Javelin Model Performer  The javelin should be held horizontally  Your legs will provide the speed in the run up to obtain the necessary power.  As you approach the line, pull the javelin back with a straight arm  The javelin should be pulled through strongly after the left leg is firmly planted before the line  keep your throwing elbow high and over the shoulder line.  release the javelin over your front foot and twist with the hips to the front to create power

8 Discus Model Performer  The discus should be held by the pads of your fingers with the thumb resting against the side of it  Face away from the direction you are throwing and prepare to spin  To generate speed and power, try to move on the balls of your feet  as you spin your weight is shifted to the left with your right foot being swept around to the middle of the circle with the discus trailing behind.  discus should then be released with the chest, hip, knees and toes facing the front.

9 Shot Put Model Performer  Rest the shot on the base of your fingers and push it against your neck – it should be kept here under the final release.  Adopt a back-facing stance at the back of the circle, with your weight mainly on the right leg (if you are right handed)  lower your weight onto your right leg and form a low and closed crouching position  drive your right leg downward and then powerfully thrust your left leg towards the toe board  With a side-on stance, transfer the power up through the legs, body and throwing arm  with a high elbow, release the shot by punching your arm to the sky and flipping the wrist

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