Curriculum Night Mrs. Pelkowski 2015  I have been teaching 5 th grade here at Walker for 15 years.  I have a BA degree from Northern Illinois University.

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2 Curriculum Night Mrs. Pelkowski 2015

3  I have been teaching 5 th grade here at Walker for 15 years.  I have a BA degree from Northern Illinois University.  I have a Master’s degree in Reading from Governors State University.

4  In reading we will work, of course, on reading, but also on writing, listening, poetry, and fluency skills.  Book studies include all types of reading genres.  There will be daily practice in vocabulary, reading skills, and comprehension of stories.  Students will participate in Guided Reading, Independent Reading, Oral Reading, Literature Circles and other activities in class.  Students will learn to use various reading strategies in order to better develop comprehension skills.  Spelling words are part of our Journeys series. Tests will be given most weeks on Friday.

5  Students will work on writing using the 6 traits model.  Students will study grammar units and incorporate grammar skills into writing.  Students will be reading, analyzing, and writing poetry.

6  Past computation skills will be reviewed, and students will be encouraged to think mathematically to solve authentic problems using their math skills.  Students will be required to take notes in their Go Math books.  Students will be required to show work!  A daily math assignment can be expected.  All students need a calculator for class.

7  Students will be required to take notes.  We will practice map skills throughout the year.  At the end of each chapter we will take a test or complete a project.  We begin with the colonization of North America. We then continue on in history.  Class is very vocabulary intensive. Please review terms nightly.

8  Students will be required to take notes.  5 th Grade Science Rotation:  Light, Sound  Earth’s Changing Surface  Electricity and Magnetism  Animals  Students will be exposed to labs and learn how to use the scientific method.

9  Students will have an opportunity to check out books from Hilda Walker Library one time each week on Thursday.  Library check out is for 2 weeks.  Students may also check out books from my personal library collection in the room.  All students are required to have a book to read at all times.

10  Students have PE daily. Please make sure gym shoes are at school every day.  Art is on Monday.  Technology/Computers is on Tuesday.  Music is on Friday.

11  A90-100  B80-89  C70-79  D60-69  F59-below

12  We will observe this scale for tests, quizzes and assignments to which the scale can be applied.  Some assignments are designed for practice of a skill and will not be given a percentage grade.

13  Students will be responsible for completing any incomplete/missing assignment.  Parents will be informed of any incomplete/missing through a Walker Missing Homework Notice which will need to be signed and returned the next day with the completed work.  Refer to my classroom handout for full policy.

14  Detentions are held on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays until 4:00 P.M.  Academic Assistance is held Monday- Friday until 4:00 P.M.  Please be aware that there are no activity buses this year!  Please follow the traffic pattern for pick-up when coming to get your student.

15  “The Walker Way” –BE RESPECTFUL, BE RESPONSIBLE, & BE SAFE  Purpose: To create a safe learning environment allowing everyone to reach their potential as a learner. Following these procedures/rules fosters a positive learning environment both in and out of the classroom.

16 We will treat each other with respect regardless of our differences:  Disagree respectfully and solve conflicts calmly.  Work together.  Remain quiet when others are speaking.  Raise you hand and wait patiently for the teacher’s assistance.

17 We will each be responsible for our own learning:  Respond to directions.  Ask/answer questions.  Complete work and write all assignments in your assignment notebook. We will each be responsible for our actions that affect people around us:  On task  Noise awareness  Movement around the classroom

18 We will keep learning fun & safe:  Approach assignments & tasks with a positive attitude.  Keep classroom floor clear of books, backpacks, boxes, etc.  Keep hands, feet, & objects to yourself.

19  Consequences: warning, loss of intramurals, detention, phone call, seat change, parent conference, and/or referral to office  Rewards: verbal praise, PAW tickets, extra privilege earned, positive note/phone call

20  Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held on November 23rd and 24th.  More information on conference sign ups will be coming. This will be done online during October.

21  This classroom is peanut free.

22  Walker Office 815-464-2285  E-Mail address:  District Web Page  I post upcoming test and quiz dates in all subject areas.  Any long-term project dates in all subjects will also be posted.  I have posted several cool links your child may want to try out.

23  I am looking forward to a great year and partnership.  Thank you for coming to Curriculum and Expectation Night at Hilda Walker School.  Mrs. Pelkowski


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