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Improving the use of JSNA data in Cambridgeshire Trevor Baker (County Council) David Lea (PCT)

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Presentation on theme: "Improving the use of JSNA data in Cambridgeshire Trevor Baker (County Council) David Lea (PCT)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Improving the use of JSNA data in Cambridgeshire Trevor Baker (County Council) David Lea (PCT)

2 Cambs JSNA Process JSNA: Adults of working age JSNA:Older people JSNA: Children and young people JSNA: Adults with learning disabilities Combined Joint Strategic Needs Assessment JSNA: Adults with mental health problems Local Area Agreement and other local outcomes and targets Commissioning of services JSNA: Adults with physical disability and sensory impairment and long term conditions JSNA: Community views JSNA: International Migrants JSNA: Homelessness JSNA: New Developments Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3

3 SWOT Analysis suggested… Care group approach - rich data collection for each care group Supported the direct use of JSNA in joint service commissioning strategies

4 SWOT Analysis suggested… Care group approach made overall co- ordination of the JSNA more challenging, particularly as no dedicated JSNA project manager Data analysis and data use good, but processes could be made more efficient Promotion and use of JSNA by non- specialists could be improved

5 Response to SWOT Project management: JSNA Co-ordinator appointed Data analysis and data use: Investigate Local Information System (LIS) Promotion and use of JSNA: LIS and JSNA Co-ordinator

6 LIS Development Key literatureWeb trawl of LIS Investigation Telephone questionnaire Site visits Identified approach Data model Accessible website Full Cambridgeshire LIS (economy, housing, crime etc) Analysis Development Future

7 Four LIS Essentials Governance Vision Design Adequate (if not sufficient) staffing Do any of these present challenges for Cambridgeshire?

8 Governance and partnership A champion in a relevant post –E.g. Chief Executive, Director of Public Health Buy in from partners –The need to share data, especially updates –Funding A stable and committed governance or steering group –Maintaining the vision

9 The Vision Clear, single vision agreed by all partners Purposes of the LIS Vision to take account of change - evolve over time Structure and hierarchy of information –E.g. how are health and housing data related in the LIS?

10 Some key design aspects from LIS visits Nottinghamshire strong on maintenance of vision/leadership, managing and accessing data and use of proprietary applications Northamptonshire strong as a document and data portal, system coherence and ease of use and for metadata Milton Keynes strong on appearance and ease of use (Examples only – each one has other strengths)

11 Design Decisions include: –Bespoke versus proprietary applications? –Internal or external development? –Purpose and costs Lessons for Cambridgeshire –Get the vision right –Any can work, but a mix of internal development using well-chosen applications can produce a good LIS at a reasonable price

12 Staffing Two or three full time staff is typical –Specialist roles –Considerable potential savings in staff time elsewhere (but hard to quantify) Some have fewer staff –Need an appropriate vision, good design and choice of applications

13 Challenges for Cambridgeshire Engagement of JSNA Steering Group –Health and Wellbeing Officer Group may not engage fully with ‘data’ issues. Is a different steering group or sub-group needed? Designing a LIS for JSNA now and for a full LIS later with little funding Staff costs –An appropriate approach will include low- maintenance

14 An approach for Cambridgeshire ‘Interim’ vision: –A data model for JSNA that allows analysts to analyse with a simple, inexpensive public facing front end Achieved by: –Using in-house resource for data model –Appropriate applications, e.g. Instant Atlas Longer term: –selling a broader vision to ‘Cambridgeshire Together’ (the LSP/LAA)

15 Cambridgeshire JSNA Contacts: National Research and Tools to support LIS development: stems stems Cambs JSNA at Cambridgeshire Atlas (demography): o21_2007Update/atlas.html o21_2007Update/atlas.html

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