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Principles and Guidelines Adequacy Sufficient energy Adequate nutrients for healthy people Balance –meeting your needs Enough but not too much kCalorie.

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Presentation on theme: "Principles and Guidelines Adequacy Sufficient energy Adequate nutrients for healthy people Balance –meeting your needs Enough but not too much kCalorie."— Presentation transcript:


2 Principles and Guidelines Adequacy Sufficient energy Adequate nutrients for healthy people Balance –meeting your needs Enough but not too much kCalorie (energy) Energy in = energy out High nutrient density foods

3 Principles and Guidelines Nutrient Density- less calorie, more nutrients The mast nutrients for the fewest calories Low nutrient density foods Moderation- eat enough but not too much Food selections: low in fat & added sugars Variety (Most important!) Among and within food groups Benefits of a varied diet

4 Principles and Guidelines Dietary Guidelines for Americans Science based advice Promotes health and reduce chronic disease Nine areas of recommendation covering: diet and physical activity

5 Vegetable Provides many of the vitamins and minerals we need for good health. Veggies are naturally low in calories, and the fiber in them helps us feel full. Choosing variety is important when it cones to vegetables: Dark green vegetables provide different nutrients from orange and red vegetables. Dark green vegetables: Broccoli, spinach, kale, asparagus, lettuce, etc. Orange and Red vegetables: Squash, carrots, sweet potatoes, etc.

6 Fruits Like veggies, fruits contain vitamins, minerals and fiber. Fruits and veggies should fill half of your plate. Who fruit is the best choice: fruit juices have more calories per serving than whole fruit, and you’re not getting the fiber. As with veggies, its good to mix up your fruit choices.

7 Grains Whole- grains are more nutritious and have lots of dietary fiber that can help you feel fuller longer. Refined grains have been processed, removing vitamins, minerals and fiber. Most refined grains are enriched, which means that some of the nutrients, but not fibers, are added back after processing. So try to choose at least half of your day’s grains from whole-grain sources including whole-wheat bread, brown rice or oatmeal.

8 Protein Foods that are high in protein help the body build, maintain and repair tissue. They also have nutrients like B vitamins and iron. Foods high in protein include: Beef, poultry, seafood, dry beans, peas, eggs, nuts, seeds Tofu and veggie burgers or vegetarian meet substitute are also good sources of protein. When eating meats, choose lean or low fat options and try to minimize deli meats and other processed meats that are high in sodium.

9 Dairy Dairy products are rich in calcium like milk, yogurt and cheese Calcium is essential for growth and building strong bones and teeth Choose fat free or low fat dairy products most of the time.

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