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Mammoth hunt When we were walking down the track we saw a lot of mammoth foot prints.

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2 Mammoth hunt When we were walking down the track we saw a lot of mammoth foot prints.

3 We saw some bison but we had to get past them very slowly.

4 When we got past the bison, some of us found some bone’s of a goat.

5 We had to climb up a huge hill and some people took a very long time to get to the top. Very tired people

6 We found the very small and fluffy mammoth that was a stuffed toy from Monsters Inc.

7 My mum was taking a lot of photos of the view the hill was huge and it was even higher than Hospital Hill in Napier.

8 Skinning and gutting a rabbit First Reiner did a demo of skinning and gutting a rabbit and then he had to snap the legs in half then pull off all the skin. That was so yuck that I was almost sick.

9 Then Reiner even pulled out the guts and that was so yuck.

10 Then we got to do our own skinning and gutting a rabbit and I wasn’t feeling so good.

11 First I snapped off the legs and it made a snap sound.

12 . I got to keep the rabbit’s tail and it was very fluffy.

13 Fires First Oliver had to use the flint to light the fire and he got a lot of sparks but in the end we had to use the matches. That worked.

14 I kept on complaining about the smoke. I was yelling “I DO NOT LIKE THE SMOKE.” Then we started cooking our rabbit on the fire and I was still complaining about the smoke.

15 Weaving Flax First Mrs B did a demo of the weaving flax and then we got to do our own one.

16 It got harder and harder to do. Then when all the people from the throwing spears were playing on the monkey bars in the garden, I was still finishing my weaving but then I finally finished and I got to go on the tramp.

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