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ENERPOOL. GROUPS – CONFLICT MANAGEMENT GOD Alone can do everything Human beings even in groups can hardly perform one activity successfully GROUPS Collection.

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Presentation on theme: "ENERPOOL. GROUPS – CONFLICT MANAGEMENT GOD Alone can do everything Human beings even in groups can hardly perform one activity successfully GROUPS Collection."— Presentation transcript:


2 GROUPS – CONFLICT MANAGEMENT GOD Alone can do everything Human beings even in groups can hardly perform one activity successfully GROUPS Collection of two or more people who interact with each other Share common interest Accomplish one activity TYPES OF GROUPS Command Group (executives, supervisors) Task group real working group Informal groups

3 ENERPOOL GROUPS – CONFLICT MANAGEMENT GROUP COHESIVENESS  The degree of liking – respect amongst them – bond SOURCES OF COHESIVENSS  Size – smaller group more shared cohesive success brings more cohesion  Similarity attitude and values

4 ENERPOOL COHESIVE GROUPS  Ranks higher  Less tense and anxious with each other  More communicative  Hostility towards members out side their own group.  Decreases productivity difference as they don’t risk group esteem.  Price rate – do not over produce in fear of rate reduction.

5 ENERPOOL GROUPS – CONFLICT MANAGEMENT POTENTIAL LIABILITIES OF GROUP Motivation is contingent upon individual reward system. The more you produce more is the Reward – Motivation. Being a member of group reward is contigent upon group production – reward. Hence chances of delusion and less reward – decrease of motivation Problem of coordination increase Feeling of individual Responsibility decreases GROUP PERFORMANCE Actual productivity is less then potential productivity Level of efforts is more due to social facilitation

6 ENERPOOL CONFLICT – GRIEVANCE HANDLING CONTEMPRARY Acts as catalyst – Brings change _____ out of status quo – Leads to more innovative ideas Inevitable rather th an avoidable don’t suppress. Allow to come to surface & resolve in a manner which enhances organizational effectiveness IDENTIFY THE GRIEVANCE/ PROBLEM Political ? Administrative ? Technical ? Social ? Solve it accordingly TRADITIONAL VIEW Retro-productive as it looses harmony causes stress anxiety – loses well being



9 ENERPOOL CONFLICT – GRIEVANCE HANDLING LITMUS TESTS FOR TOO LITTLE CONFLICTS  Managers surrounded by Yes Men  Subordinates afraid to admit ignorance to the bosses  Decision maker concentrate much on reaching compromise  Managers believes & maintain the impression of peace and cooperation in their units – regardless of price  Decision makers show excessive concern for not hurting the feeling of others  Manager’s believe that popularity is more important than competence and performance  Managers un-necessarily involves in consensus building  Employees show un-usual resistance to change  Lack of new ideas forthcoming  Low level of employees turn over.

10 ENERPOOL CAUSES OF CONFLICT Do not emerge out of irrationality or petty grievances But the working organization coordinates the work of different group

11 ENERPOOL DYNAMICS OF INTER GROUP CONFLICT COORDINATION OF WORK Sequential Task Interdependence-Architect - construction Engineer. Reciprocal Task Interdependence-production & quality control Task Ambiguity-recruitment by personnel for specialist Deptt. Differences in Work Orientation –R&D-production ORGANIZATIONAL REWARD SYSTEM Resource Interdependence-two XEN competing for budget Conflicting Reward Systems-Finance vs Line Deptt. Competition as a motivational strategy-competition results in low out puts Inter Group Conflict

12 ENERPOOL STRATEGIES GROUP USE TO WIN POWER COALITIONS Two or more groups Co operate/ combine in order to increase strength over the other non joining members. CONSTRUCTING Negotiation of a quid pro quo (this for that) CBA agreement s CO – OPTING Sharing giving some of its leadership to members of other groups (board of directors)

13 ENERPOOL STRATEGIES GROUP USE TO WIN POWER INFLUENCING DECISION CRITERIA Each group tries to design criteria where he can be liveraged over others – basis for getting grants – budget. CONTROLLING INFORMATION Gaining – chanelizing Sensitive information and limiting access of others USE OF PRESSURE Strike- Threats

14 ENERPOOL CONSEQUENCES OF LOOSING The looser attempts to deny or distort reality WINNING The winners develop strong belief of negative perception of looser

15 ENERPOOL MANAGING CONFLICTS CONFLICT RESOLUTION STRATEGY TYPE OF STRATEGY APPROPRIATE SITUATIONS Ignoring the conflict AvoidanceWhen the issue is trivial When the issue is symptomatic of more basic, pressing problems Imposing a solution AvoidanceWhen quick, decisive action is needed When unpopular decisions need to be made and consensus among the groups appears very unlikely

16 ENERPOOL MANAGING CONFLICTS CONFLICT RESOLUTION STRATEGY TYPE OF STRATEGY APPROPRIATE SITUATIONS SmoothingDiffusionAs a stop-gap measure to let people cool down and regain perspective When the conflict is over non-work issues Appealing to superordinate goals DiffusionWhen there is a mutually important goal that neither group can achieve without cooperation of the other When the survival or success of the overal1 organization is in jeopardy

17 ENERPOOL MANAGING CONFLICTS CONFLICT RESOLUTION STRATEGY TYPE OF STRATEGY APPROPRIATE SITUATIONS Bargaining Containment When the two parties are of relatively equal power When there are several acceptable, alternative solutions that both parties would be willing to consider Structuring the interaction Containment when previous attempts to openly discuss conflict issues to conflict escalation rather than to problem solution When a respected third party is available, to provide some structure and could serve as a mediator

18 ENERPOOL MANAGING CONFLICTS CONFLICT RESOLUTION STRATEGY TYPE OF STRATEGY APPROPRIATE SITUATIONS Solving Confrontation When there is a minimum level of trust between groups and there is no time pressure for a quick solution When the organization can benefit from merging the differing perspectives,and insights of the groups in making key decisions Redesigning the organization Confrontation When the sources of conflict comes from the coordination of work When the work can be easily divided into clear project responsibilities (self- contained work groups), or when activities require a lot of interdepartmental coordination over time (lateral relations)


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