JFK and the Cold War 1960 Election Democratic nominee –John Fitzgerald Kennedy = Senator from Mass. Republican nominee –Richard Nixon = Vice President.

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2 JFK and the Cold War

3 1960 Election Democratic nominee –John Fitzgerald Kennedy = Senator from Mass. Republican nominee –Richard Nixon = Vice President under Ike Two factors that helped JFK win – t.v. and civil rights

4 Kennedy the Candidate Well-organized campaign $ backed by large, wealthy family Obstacles: –Age: only 43 –Religion: Roman Catholic

5 Televised Debate 1 st televised debate ever between presidential candidates Nixon: expert on foreign policy –Wanted to use the debate to expose JFK’s weakness. JFK – cool and calm “Image replaced the printed word.”

6 Election Outcome The Presidential election of 1960 was the closest in American history. John F. Kennedy won the popular vote by a slim margin of approximately 100,000 votes. Richard Nixon won more individual states than Kennedy, but it was Kennedy who prevailed by winning key states with many electoral votes.

7 Kennedy and the King MLK and 33 demonstrators arrested in Atlanta at a segregated lunch counter –No concern from Ike JFK showed concern Bobby K. convinced the judge to have MLK released on bail

8 Camelot JFK, wife Jackie, son John Jr., daughter Caroline –Represented a Camelot mystique

9 The Best and the Brightest McGeorge Bundy (Dean of Harvard): Nat. Sec. Advisor Robert McNamara (President of Ford): Sec. of Defense Dean Rusk(President of the Rockefeller Foundation): Sec. of State Bobby Kennedy: Attorney General

10 JFK Takes Command Warned against supporting the French in Indochina JFK’s policy of Flexible Response –Build-up of the nation’s conventional forces (non- nuclear forces) Created an elite branch of the Army –The Special Forces or The Green Berets


12 The Berlin Crisis Citizens from E. Berlin flocked into W. Berlin - Better economy N.K. constructed the Berlin Wall to separate the two (Aug. 1961) - Sign of Communist oppression

13 Crisis Over Cuba Fidel Castro: self declared Communist who welcomed Soviet aid Took control of 3 oil refineries operated by the U.S. and British Took control of U.S. sugar plantations

14 Bay of Pigs Ike gave permission to the CIA to train Cuban exiles for a Cuban invasion JFK – doubts but approved it April 17, 1961 1400 Cuban exiles landed at the Bay of Pigs

15 Bay of Pigs A huge failure No airstrike prior to the invasion No help from a diversionary unit 20,000 v. 1,400 Huge embarrassment for the U.S.

16 Cuban Missile Crisis N.K. promised to defend Cuba w/Soviet Arms Summer of ’62 – increased #’s of Soviet weapons (including nukes) Oct. 4 – U.S. spy planes capture the activity Soviet Union said it was not a 1 st strike strategy


18 Cuban Missile Crisis JFK quarantined any ships heading to Cuba N.K. promised to remove the missiles in exchange for a promise of no invasion by the U.S.


20 Easing Tensions Hot line: Direct phone line that linked the White House and the Kremlin. Limited Test Ban Treaty: barred nuclear testing in the atmosphere.




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