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The History of WASTE! Beyond Recycling. What is WASTE? Think about how you can define waste using each of your senses: » SIGHT » SMELL » TASTE » HEARING.

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Presentation on theme: "The History of WASTE! Beyond Recycling. What is WASTE? Think about how you can define waste using each of your senses: » SIGHT » SMELL » TASTE » HEARING."— Presentation transcript:

1 The History of WASTE! Beyond Recycling

2 What is WASTE? Think about how you can define waste using each of your senses: » SIGHT » SMELL » TASTE » HEARING » TOUCH

3 From the Dictionary! WASTE: unwanted or undesirable material

4 THE WASTE WE CREATE On average, Canadians are producing 2 Kg. of waste every day! Do you think we have always produced so created this much waste?

5 CAVEMAN Very little waste, as everything re-used All tools, clothing and shelter was natural 0 kilograms of waste: everything was returned to the earth

6 Prehistoric Farmers Started small communities Began building barns and houses Construction materials made up most waste Only about 0.2 kg of waste per person

7 Ancient Greece Larger cities were built People began producing and buying more material items No organized waste collectors Waste increased to 0.5 kg per person

8 Industrial Revolution Increased use of natural resources (coal, wood…) Steel production increased Lots of smog, garbage, disease More waste, almost 1 kilogram per person

9 Mid 1900’s More jobs and money, so people began consuming more Products being used without thinking about the future, for example toxic chemicals Waste increased to 1.2 kg per person

10 Present Day New technology developed every day! Lots of opportunity to spend money More ‘convenience’ items than ever before (the Swiffer!) We produce 2 KG OF WASTE PER PERSON!

11 What has happened to the amount of WASTE created by humans OVER TIME?

12 A CHANGE THROUGH HISTORY How do people today use the earth differently than the Cavemen? The caveman produced very little waste: what would they have done differently?

13 What can you do? EVERYONE can make a difference and reduce their impact on the planet. What did you have for breakfast? How did you get to school? Did you shower or brush your teeth?


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