Student Township Meeting Mid-Year Review of Expectations.

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2 Student Township Meeting Mid-Year Review of Expectations

3 WOO HOO!!!!! WAY TO GO!!!!! YOU ROCK!!!!


5 Be Safe Be Responsible Be Respectful

6 Rules and procedures are put into place to create order and structure, which help to keep everyone in our school family safe!

7 Strive to be someone that others can count on! Be a good role model by following all the rules and expectations! If you have done something that you should not have done, then own up to it. Remember - We ALL make mistakes! Be accountable to yourself and to others!

8 Use kind words when talking to others, Take care of things that you use and be polite to everyone you meet! Remember – In order to GET respect, you must GIVE respect!

9 As yourself these three questions before you speak: Is it kind? Is it true? Is it helpful? If you cannot say “yes” to each of these questions, then you probably shouldn’t say it!

10  I make a COMMITMENT to take a stand against bullying.  I will treat others with RESPECT and KINDNESS  I will have COMPASSION to not bully and the COURAGE to not be a bystander  It is my RESPONSIBILIITY to help others being bullied and to report bullying

11 Work with others to make things run smoothly. Share items in your classroom and work as a team! Look for ways to be helpful to others.


13  The “Changing of Colors” is meant to help all students self monitor their own behavior.  The colors are consistent in all of the classrooms, Kindergarten through 5 th Grade.  Students are rewarded for Positive Behavior! So try to stay on GREEN!  We realize that everyone has a bad day now and then, so we do allow for a certain amount of BLUE days, but you have to learn from those BLUE days and make changes to the choices you are making!

14 Hallways/Walkways/Breezeways Bathrooms Playground Classrooms Cafeteria

15  Walk on the right side.  Use Level 1 silent voices during transitions.  Follow adult directions.  Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.

16  Enter and exit quietly.  NO PLAYING!!!!  Use the facilities appropriately.  Always flush after using the commode or urinals.  Wash hands with soap.  Dry hands with paper towels.  Place paper towels in trashcan and NOT on the floor!

17  Share, Share, Share!  Follow all directions given by adults!  Never leave the playground area without teacher permission.  Stay away from ditches and puddles.  No throwing of rocks, sticks, dirt, or grass.  Stay away from the front and back of moving swings.  Use equipment appropriately.  Be a good sport and play nicely with others!

18  Follow the classroom rules that you and your teacher have agreed upon.  Use your planner/agenda – Show it to your parents every night.  Do all your homework! Even if you don’t understand it, at least put forth the effort to try and complete it.  Do all your class work! Same thing! Just try!!!  Listen to the teacher, the teacher assistant, and/or any adult directing you. That includes parent volunteers and substitutes.  Raise a quiet hand to ask for help.  Be respectful to others – Treat others how you would like to be treated!  Try your best – Your best is better than nothing at all!

19  During breakfast, students should place their book bags at the designated spot.  Listen to all directions given by an adult.  Go through the breakfast line quickly and quietly.  No pushing, shoving, or horseplay of any kind!  Sit down at the designated table.  Eat quickly and quietly. No time to socialize!  Pick up your tray/trash and throw into the trashcan.


21  Stay in line when entering using Level 1 Voice.  Lunch boxers go directly to table unless buying milk.  Keep hands, feet, and all other objects to self.  Have lunch ticket ready.  When entering the serving line, have your choice already in mind.  Speak politely to the lunchroom workers.  Do not leave the cafeteria without permission.  Get everything you need the first time you go through the line!  Eat first and then talk in a Level 2 voice.  Follow the directives of the teachers.

22  Speak clearly to the server  Be ready with your choice  Silent unless giving food choice  Be sure to ask for ketchup, mustard, mayo, or any other sauces.  Don’t forget forks, spoons or napkins  Be sure to get milk  Walk to check out

23  Have name tag ready  Tell cashier if buying a snack before tag is scanned  Carry tray with 2 hands to table

24  Use Level 2 voices, after completing your 10 minutes of quiet eating time.  Keep hands and feet to yourself.  Raise hand and wait for help.  Keep your hands on your own food and tray and not on others.  Speak nicely to the students next to you and in front of you.  Sit correctly in your seat, face forward, and remain in your seat until time to go.

25  Place trash on trays – look around you on the table and the floor for any trash that needs to be thrown away.  Lunch boxers gather your trash and throw it away at the appointed time.  Wait for the monitor or teacher to excuse your table.  Walk to trash can or recycling bin to dispose of trash CAREFULLY (no tossing/throwing)  Line up with your class in a straight line and quietly wait for the teacher.

26  Students should use the restroom PRIOR to going down to the holding zones.  Students should get in their appropriate lines (Car/Bus) and travel down the hallways on a Level 1 to their holding zones.  Once seated in the holding zone, students may read a book quietly or just sit quietly while they await pick-up.  When it is their time to transition, either to a car or bus, the student should REMAIN on a Level 1!  Bus Riders – You should board the bus on a Level 1 and remain on a Level 1 until the bus leaves the campus.  Car Riders – Listen for your name. Walk quickly and quietly to your car and let an adult from the safety team help you get in your car.

27  Remain on a LEVEL 1 silent voice while boarding the bus and maintain that voice level until you leave school grounds.  Once you are on the road, use a LEVEL 2 quiet speaking voice. This will help the driver be able to concentrate on the road.  Sit bottom to bottom, back to back in the seat.  No standing up or moving about the bus while it is in motion!  Keep hands and all objects to yourself!  Use respectful and kind language!  Listen and obey the bus driver’s directives!  NO PLAYING!!!!

28 You CAN do it!!!!

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