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Reference : By Albert Penner.

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1 Reference : By Albert Penner

2 Pronunciation : de BATE Definition: n – a discussion about an issue where participants have differing opinions v – to discuss an issue with someone who has different ideas than you do Synonym(s) – argument, discussion - argue, dicuss Word Family Words: debater

3 1. The students held a debate on the pros and cons of capitalism. 2. In our class we debated whether computers are useful tools to study English.

4  Pronunciation: des PITE  Definition: even though  Synonym(s): even though, but, however Antonym(s): furthermore, and

5  Sentences: 1. Despite having money problems, we went to a restaurant to celebrate our son’s graduation.  2. We came to school despite the weather being terrible.

6  Pronunciation: SPEcify  Definition: designate; decide definitely  Synonym(s):, show clearly,define,determine, indicate, detail, individualize,specialize.

7  Specialize (v), specification(n) Specific.  Sentences:  Specific area of interest is in student support systems.  Our trained operators will then carry out filming or scanning to the agreed specification.  Specify what you would like your donation to fund.

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