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Millennium Cohort Study Consultative Conference on Content of Age 3 Sweep CLS, Institute of Education, London University funded by ESRC and ONS-led Govt.

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Presentation on theme: "Millennium Cohort Study Consultative Conference on Content of Age 3 Sweep CLS, Institute of Education, London University funded by ESRC and ONS-led Govt."— Presentation transcript:

1 Millennium Cohort Study Consultative Conference on Content of Age 3 Sweep CLS, Institute of Education, London University funded by ESRC and ONS-led Govt Departments

2 The story so far Sweep 1 Children born in a 12 month period:  from Sept 2000 (England and Wales)  from Dec 2000 (Scotland and Northern Ireland) Interviews when child 9-10 months old Main interview (mother) 75 minutes Partner interview (father) 30 minutes Total contact time 105 minutes

3 Sample size and structure 380 localities (electoral wards) disproportionately sampled to over-represent disadvantaged areas, high ethnic minority populations and Celtic fringe.  Expected interviews by end of fieldwork approx 18,500  Response in field among eligible ca 83%  Overall response ca 68%  Below target due to 8% fall in UK births

4 Objectives of Sweep 2 1)To chart continuity and change since the age of 9 months in the child’s family and parenting environment. 2)To chart the child’s transitions and adaptations to settings and relationships outside the immediate home and family. 3)To assess key aspects of the child’s physical, cognitive, social and emotional development.

5 Objectives (continued) 4)To make comparisons with other cohort studies, in the UK and elsewhere. 5)To maximize longitudinal potential for predicting and explaining future development. 6)To ‘recapture’ information not collected at the first sweep. 7)To provide comparative data for the National Evaluation of Sure Start

6 Objectives of this Conference  To retain the integrity of a longitudinal study while focussing on what is special about age 3  To prioritize and abbreviate topics (no room for long instruments!)  To clarify coverage on existing budget. List topics worthy of inclusion if funds are found.  To identify topics which can be deferred to next sweep (age 5) if necessary

7 Timetable for instrument development counting backwards:  Fieldwork starts September 2003  Piloting & development Oct 2002- July 2003  Award fieldwork contract Sept 2002  Tender fieldwork contract June-July 2002  Finalize budget and broad content of survey with funders May-June 2002  Summarize academic views early May 2002

8 All presentations from today’s conference can be viewed at the following web address: Written comments to Denise Brown by end April

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