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RPL: IPv6 Routing Protocol for Low power and Lossy Networks

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1 RPL: IPv6 Routing Protocol for Low power and Lossy Networks
Member : Dennis Darren

2 Routing Protocol for Low power and Lossy Networks
It operate with constraints on processing power, memory, and energy (battery power) It is designed for high loss rates, low datarates and instability network such as Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) It optimized for collection networks with infrequent communication from the collection point to individual nodes It exchange of information using a new type of ICMPv6 message called the RPL Control Message (Type 155)

3 Traffic Mode Collection traffic Multi-Point-to-Point (MP2P)
Configuration traffic Point-To-Multi-Point (P2MP) RPL does not support Point-To-Point (P2P) traffic well, although workarounds can be used

4 Implementation Cooja network simulator
The implementation is fully integrated with the Contiki operating system, and is enabled by default on the Tmote Sky platform.

5 Comment 目前打算先在Atmel Raven的板子上使用contiki實現IPv6無線網路路由協定RPL

6 R N N N Border Router R R PC N Node IPv6 WSN Border Router Router Node
USB Connection N Border Router R R PC N Node IPv6 WSN HTTP Border Router Router TCP/UDP bbbb::11:22ff:fe33:4455 bbbb::200 bbbb::1 IPv6 IPv6 IPv6 IPv6 LoWPAN LoWPAN LoWPAN MAC/PHY MAC/PHY MAC/PHY MAC/PHY RPL ICMPv6 PING6

7 實作方法 使用 mkovatsc 修改過的 contiki RavenUSB使用 examples/ravenusbstick
Raven使用 examples/webserver-ipv6-raven 都開啟RPL和router的功能

8 目前進度 可以經由ttyACM0介面看到RPL運作時交換的資訊 可以從Web介面看到附近的node和router
從PC上的Wireshark可以看到ICMP Echo request 和 ICMP Echo reply 但是 RPL路由交換資訊只會在 6Lowpan 中傳遞,必須使用 sniffer 才看的到

9 問題與討論 但是目前 wireshark 無法解析 ICMPv6 type 155 多個節點加入時無法得知是否形成像下圖一樣的階層式結構
而且會有節點雖然出 現在鄰近節點的列表 上但是PING不到

10 Reference ravenusb-border-router
Tutorial: Running Contiki with uIPv6 and SICSlowpan Jackdaw RNDIS RPL border router

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