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 Globalization.  Canada & south Africa Income per person(GDP per capita inflation adjusted)

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Presentation on theme: " Globalization.  Canada & south Africa Income per person(GDP per capita inflation adjusted)"— Presentation transcript:

1  Globalization

2  Canada & south Africa

3 Income per person(GDP per capita inflation adjusted)

4 Stock of Direct Foreign Investments at Home The stock of foreign investments at home is the total US dollar value of the investments made in the home country by residents. Canada: 1.038 trillion South Africa: 143.3 billion

5 Adult Prevalence Rates The adult prevalence rates compare the amount of living adults who are HIV positive. Canada: 0.30% of the adult population have HIV/AIDS. South Africa: 17.90% of the adult population have HIV/AIDS.

6 Unemployment Rates Unemployment rates are the percentage of the population who are of working age but don’t. Canada:14.3% South Africa:24.90%

7 Population Below the Poverty Line (%) The percentage of people living below the poverty line. Canada: Canada does not have an official poverty line. South Africa: 31.3% of South Africa’s population is below the poverty line.

8 Literacy Rates Literacy rates are defined by being able to read and write at a certain age. Canada: ages 15 and over can read and write. South Africa: ages 15 and over can read and write.

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