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Which official documents support our view? Which official documents support our view? Institute of Education in Stockholm Love Nordenmark.

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Presentation on theme: "Which official documents support our view? Which official documents support our view? Institute of Education in Stockholm Love Nordenmark."— Presentation transcript:

1 Which official documents support our view? Which official documents support our view? Institute of Education in Stockholm Love Nordenmark

2 Task for Universities University regulation -Bachelor of education, master of education. UN declaration of human rights Constitution of Sweden Equal Treatment of Students at Universities Act.

3 Tasks for school and preeschool United Nations declaration of human rights Convention of the rights of the child Constitution of Sweden Education act Curricula Act Prohibiting Discrimination and Other Degrading Treatment of Children and School Students (2006:67).

4 Convention of the rights of the child Article 2. The right to equal opportunities Article 3. The best interests of the child Article 6. Childs right to life and development Article 12. Childs right to express it´s views freely

5 Constitution of Sweden The general public should combat discrimination of individuals owing to sex, color of skin, nationality or ethnic belonging, religion, sexual orientation, age, disability or other cirumstance which is connected to an individual as a person.

6 The Education Act ”Especially those who work within the school system should actively combat all kinds of harassement such as bullying or rasism”. (1 kap. 2§ skollagen)

7 Curriculum for pre-school,the compulsory school system, the pre- school class and the leisure-time centre All who work in schools have a common responsibility to combat discrimination and harassement. (Lpo 94, Lpf 94 & Lpfö 98)

8 The inviolability of human life, individual freedom and integrity, the equal value of all people, equality between the genders as well as solidarity with the weak and vulnerable are all values that the school shall actively promote in its work with children. Fundamental values

9 Research Projects How Heterosexuality Is made normative in School and Teacher Education

10 Strategy studies Teachers’ education School environment School as a workplace “A challenge of Heteronormativity” survey

11 Method Start with yourself, then proceed with your student Focus on the heterosexual norm and work with an integrated perspective Start in preschool Include teachers’ education institutions

12 Power, norms and discrimination in relation to sexuality Power, norms and discrimination in relation to sexuality 5 credits at Institute of education in Stockholm Gender perspective Queer perspective Intersectionality perspective

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