The Gospel of Mark. About Mark Not written by a man named Mark Author is unknown Gospel was the earliest of the four Gospels (it was written first) in.

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1 The Gospel of Mark

2 About Mark Not written by a man named Mark Author is unknown Gospel was the earliest of the four Gospels (it was written first) in 66-70 A.D. Serves as a source for Matthew and Luke

3 Things to look for: Mark zooms through events! Example: the Temptation of Jesus in the desert is only two sentences long. Jesus performs many miracles, and there is a distinct pattern which we can see developing. See if you can figure out the pattern which the author uses to describe pretty much all of Jesus’ miracles. Jesus’ miracles fall into four categories. One example of a category is HEALING. See if you can list the other three categories after reading Mark 1-5. Jesus is constantly angering church officials. There are several reasons why. As we’re reading, write down any time a church official becomes angry with Jesus, and WHY that church official becomes angry.

4 Please note: There is a difference between an Apostle and a Disciple. Apostles: “the twelve” handpicked by Jesus as his special helpers. Disciples: anyone who is a follower of Jesus.

5 ANY QUESTIONS? W e will now begin to read, together, the Gospel of Mark. We will read Chapters 1-3 today in class. Chapters 4 and 5 will become your homework. M ark begins on page 73 NT H omework: read Mark 1-5 Complete worksheet using complete sentences DUE TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 18th

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