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Balance Between Humanity and Environment June 1, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Balance Between Humanity and Environment June 1, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Balance Between Humanity and Environment June 1, 2015

2 What is Science? Science is a process, resulting in conclusions, generalizations, theories, and laws The process of science is often confused with a fixed set of beliefs Over time, Science makes increasingly better approximations about how the world works –Example: The Food Pyramid

3 What is Science? Science cannot deal with things that cannot be tested by observations Science does not deal with questions that involve values The criterion by which we decide whether a statement is in the realm of science is: Whether it is possible, at least in principle, to disprove the statement

4 Scientific Method Scientific method refers to a body of techniques for investigating phenomena, acquiring new knowledge, or correcting and integrating previous knowledge. Example: Crop Circles –Failures regarding the scientific method illustrated by crop circles:

5 Science journal retracts gay-marriage study after evidence of fraud Thursday, May 28, 2015 Reuters Journal Science, article retracted - evidence of fraud in a high-profile study on how canvassers can convince people to back same-sex marriage Read more at fraud/#sOPr8K8f7qcbhw0W.99

6 Journal Retracts 1998 Paper Linking Autism to Vaccines NY Time 2/2/10 A prominent British medical journal, The Lancet, retracted a 1998 research paper that set off a sharp decline in vaccinations after the paper’s lead author suggested that vaccines could cause autism

7 Major Themes of Physical Geography Human population growth Sustainability A global perspective An urbanizing world People and nature Science and values

8 Physical and Human Geography How would illegal immigration impact humanity on –A local level? –A national level? –A global level?

9 The Environmental Goal Sustainability – refers to resources and their environment – ensuring that future generations have equal opportunity to the resources that our planet offers Sustainable resource harvest – –Example: Timber Sustainable ecosystem –

10 The Environmental Goal Sustainable global economy – the careful management and wise use of the planet and its resources Under present conditions, the global economy is not sustainable What are the characteristics of a sustainable economy? –Populations living in harmony with the natural environment –An energy policy that does not alter the natural environment –A plan for renewable resources –A social, political, and legal system dedicated to sustainability

11 The Environmental Goal To achieve a sustainable global economy: –Develop an effective population-control strategy –Completely restructure our energy programs –Institute economic planning –Implement social, legal, political, and education changes

12 The Story of Stuff Materials Economy –What is it, really? Externalized cost Obsolescence

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