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Leadership Skills for the 21 st Century Ray McNulty International Center for Leadership in Education “Dilemmas Faced in Education” Iowa.

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Presentation on theme: "Leadership Skills for the 21 st Century Ray McNulty International Center for Leadership in Education “Dilemmas Faced in Education” Iowa."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leadership Skills for the 21 st Century Ray McNulty International Center for Leadership in Education “Dilemmas Faced in Education” Iowa

2 Three Themes 1.Opening thoughts 2.Skills for 21 st Century Leaders 3.Ray’s Leadership Lessons 2018 Dreams of the children we have Success to significance

3 Thoughts

4 Rigor Relevance Relationships

5 Relevance Relationships Rigor

6 Relationships Relevance Rigor

7 The primary aim of education is not to enable students to do well in schools or colleges, but to help them do well in the lives they lead outside of the schools and colleges.

8 We’ve created false proxies for learning… Finishing a course or textbook has come to mean achievement Listening to lecture has come to mean understanding Getting a high score on a standardized test has come to mean proficiency

9 Learning should have its roots in.. Meaning, not just memory Engagement, not simply transmission Inquiry, not only compliance Exploration, not just acquisition Personalization, not simply uniformity Collaboration, not only competition Trust, not fear

10 So why did you come to this conference? How will what you learn here change what you do?

11 Skills for 21 st Century Leaders

12 Essential Skills for 21 st Century Leadership is Action Deliberate Practice Deep Understanding of Change (Possibility) Innovation (Disruptive Innovation) Understanding Our Place in Time and the Bigger Picture

13 “Leadership is action, not position.” Donald H. McGannon

14 In almost every field people begin to learn something quickly and with energy, then more slowly and then they stop.

15 The best people in any field are those who devote the most hours to what researchers call “deliberate practice.” It’s activity that’s explicitly intended to improve performance by reaching for objectives just beyond one’s level of competence.

16 Change

17 Jim Collins, Good to Great 2001, p.205 “I am not suggesting that going from good to great is easy….. I am asserting that those who strive to turn good into great find the process no more painful or exhausting than those who settle for just letting things wallow along in mind numbing mediocrity.”


19 The difference between cyclical and structural change. Anything we’re trying to change away from will keep coming back unless we replace it with something new.

20 Special Cause vs. Common Cause

21 Epidemic of Immediacy Clock of the Long Now….

22 Innovation

23 Some Questions….. How did we let ourselves get into the position of needing to re-invent our work? Why haven’t we over the years been able to recognize that something hasn’t been working well, and self correct it? What would it be like to work in a self correcting system?

24 Only dead fish swim with the stream all the time!!!!

25 We lose 90% of our creativity between the ages of 5 and 7. Allen Fahden, “Innovation On Demand”

26 In 1903 the U.S. Congress passed a special bill forbidding the Army to spend any more money on trying out flying machines.

27 Who the hell wants to hear actors talk? Harry Warner, Warner Bros. 1927

28 Everything that can be invented has been invented. Charles H. Duell, Director of the U.S. Patent Office 1939

29 There is no likelihood man can ever tap the atom. Robert Millikan, Nobel Prize in Physics, 1920

30 Sensible and responsible women do not want to vote. Grover Cleveland, 1905

31 A Story…. Not a bad idea, but to earn a grade more than a C+ the idea has to be viable! (Yale Professor) Fredrick Smith The idea FedEx

32 Disruptive Innovation Creates Positive Turbulence

33 Thoughts Roger Bannister Honda Conestoga Wagon Power of Opposites >

34 The power of the OPPOSITE. Black is blackest in a field of white. Height is only measured in relation to the ground.

35 Stove Hot!!!!!

36 How to be a Creator…. Outcome: Decide what you want to accomplish. Obvious: Determine the strongest beliefs you have about the outcome. Opposite: Create a statement (s) contradicting these beliefs. Opportunity: Stretch your mind to come up with an idea you’ve never thought before.

37 Rules and Regulations Budget Constraints Union Contracts Devil’s Advocate

38 Understanding Our Place in Time and the Bigger Picture

39 Agricultural Age… Farmers Industrial Age… Factory Worker Informational Age… Knowledge Worker Conceptual Age… Creator / Empathizer

40 Last few decades have belonged to a certain kind of mind: Computer programmers who crank code Lawyers who craft contracts MBA’s who crunch numbers But the keys to the kingdom are changing….

41 Three reasons for this… Abundance Asia Automation

42 #1 Abundance Malls, Target, PetsMart, Best Buy, Homes, Cars Self Storage Trash …. USA spends more on trash bags than 90 countries spend on everything

43 Abundance has produced an ironic result… Lessened the significance of things because you can get it anywhere. (no longer enough to create a product that’s reasonably priced and functional) Products must be more R – Directed beautiful, unique, meaningful, “aesthetic imperative”

44 Abundance Elevates R – Directed Thinking Electric lighting was rare a century ago… Today it is common place and abundant. Yet,,,,, Candles who needs them anymore? 2.4 Billion dollar business a year

45 #2 ASIA Knowledge workers new competition.. India, Philippines, China Programmers 70k – 80k are paid what a Taco Bell worker makes Chip designers 7k in USA …..1K in India Aerospace Engineers USA 6K… $650 in Russia Accountant USA 5K… $300 in Philippines

46 #3 Automation Last century machines proved they could replace human backs This century new technologies are proving they can replace human “left brains” Any job that depends on routines is at risk. Automation is changing even doctors work.

47 Left hemisphere is sequential, logical and analytical. The Left powered the Information age. Still necessary, but no longer sufficient. Right hemisphere is non linear, intuitive and holistic. The Right qualities of inventiveness, empathy, joyfulness and meaning will power the Conceptual age.

48 A new age valuing…. High Concept: the capacity to detect patterns / opportunities to create, to be artistic / emotional beauty and to combine seemingly unrelated ideas into something new. High Touch: involves the ability to empathize with others, understand the subtleties of human interaction to find joy and elicit it to others

49 High Concept / High Touch GM’s top leader… I see us being in the art business. MBA’s becoming the blue collar worker for the conceptual age. Graphic designers have increased ten fold in the last decade. Since 1970, 30% more people are earning a living as writers. More Americans today work in art, entertainment and design than lawyers, accountants and auditors.

50 The future belongs to a very different kind of mind.. Creators and empathizers Pattern recognizers Meaning makers And more……….

51 Six Essential Aptitudes Design - modern version of creating Story - communicate Symphony - big picture Empathy - read emotions Play – fun doing it Meaning – focus on purpose

52 Essential Skills for 21 st Century Leadership is Action Deliberate Practice Deep Understanding of Change (Possibility) Innovation (Disruptive Innovation) Understanding Our Place in Time and the Bigger Picture

53 Five Leadership Lessons

54 LESSON ONE Educational institutions tend to be allergic to conflict.  conflict is dangerous  it can threaten friendships  it can damage relationships >

55 vBut, conflict is the primary engine of creativity and motivation. vSo, a new tradition needs to be the norm: Courage to surface conflicts.

56 LESSON TWO Communication is in the mind of the recipient. If you are the leader, people tolerate your ideas, but they act on their own. >

57 Here’s a tip, communicate with emotion as well as logic. Latest research shows that the brain’s limbic system, which controls basic emotions, is more powerful than the brain’s neo cortex, which governs intellect.

58 LESSON THREE Leaders look for and network with other leaders. Want to make yourself even more effective as a leader? Want to heighten your influence and deepen your impact? Stop playing the role of the Lone Ranger! Look for allies, network with colleagues—and help those people to become better leaders.

59 LESSON FOUR The culture of change. Detailed Complexity - determining all the variables in advance. (This is not reality) Dynamic Complexity – unexpected, unplanned for situations that surface as you implement a change effort. (This is reality)

60 Senge suggests that those unpredictable, unplanned-for factors that seem to get in the way, are in fact not merely things that get in the way, THEY ARE NORMAL!!!! And everyone in the system needs to know this.

61 LESSON FIVE Most leaders die with their mouths open. Leaders must know how to listen, and the art of listening is more subtle than most think. “Leaders must want to listen.” >

62 Great listening is fueled by curiosity. It’s hard to be a great listener if you’re not curious about other people and their ideas. What’s the enemy of curiosity? Grandiosity—the belief that you have all the answers. CLIP>

63 “We live in a world of possibilities... when we believe it, we’ll see it.”

64 Three Themes 1.Opening thoughts 2.Skills for 21 st Century Leaders 3.Ray’s Leadership Lessons 2018 Dreams of the children we have Success to significance

65 Leadership Skills for the 21 st Century Ray McNulty International Center for Leadership in Education “Dilemmas Faced in Education” Iowa

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