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Showing Similarities and Differences. These two photographs were taken at wedding ceremonies. Study the photographs and make two lists– a list of the.

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Presentation on theme: "Showing Similarities and Differences. These two photographs were taken at wedding ceremonies. Study the photographs and make two lists– a list of the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Showing Similarities and Differences

2 These two photographs were taken at wedding ceremonies. Study the photographs and make two lists– a list of the ways that the two wedding scenarios are similar and a list of the ways they are different. Include details about the people and the setting, such as clothing, facial expressions, and background details. Write a paragraph about the photos that answers these questions: How Are these two wedding scenes the same, and how are they different

3 Definition  Comparison and Contrast involves looking at both similarities and differences.  In a government class, your instructor asks you to compare two different parties position on the economy.  For a local newspaper, you are asked to contrast two local politicians views on building a Tim Hortons at Balcoms Corners.

4 Point-By-Point Organization  Writer moves back and forth between the two subjects  Compares key points or characteristics  Military Involvement in the world  Democratic View  Republican View  Health Care  Democratic View  Republican View

5 Subject-By-Subject Organization  Author describes the key points or characteristics of one subject then moves on to the next subject  Democratic views  Military involvement in the world  Health Care  Republican Views  Military involvement in the world  Health Care  Just be careful to discuss the same ideas when using this organizational style

6 Characteristics  Has a Clear Purpose  Express ideas  Express ideas about unconventional weddings. How they are similar and different  Inform  Variations of wedding ceremonies  Persuade  One type of wedding is better than another

7 Basis of Comparison  A common characteristic on which to base the essay  Baseball vs. Football could be compared by the entertainment value  Determines the details that should be used  Number of viewers for the Superbowl vs. the World Series is relevant  Kinds of equipment used in each sport- irrelevant.

8 Fairly Examines Differences and Similarities  Consider your essay’s focus  Relevant information should not be left out just to make your point  Cover the same points completely of both sides

9 Make a Point  Be interesting  Use other modes to spark interest  Describe each side thoroughly  Illustrate important or confusing ideas  Define difficult terms etc.  Tell how something works

10 Thesis Statement  Has Three functions  Identifies the subjects being compared and contrasted  Suggests whether to focus on similarities, differences, or both  States the main point  Similar complaints from both parties reveal an underlying problem with the current healthcare system.  Although different in purpose, the Occupy Wall Street and Tea Party both support radical change to the current governmental purpose and structure.  Democrats and Republicans demonstrate two different approaches to the economic crisis in our country.

11 Introduction  Clear Introduction  Spark the reader’s interest  Presents your subject  States your thesis  Includes any needed background information

12 Support  Always supports the thesis of the paper  Even if it is a cool fact, if it does not support the thesis… leave it out  Characteristics should be significant  A minimum of 3-4 characteristics should be examined  Each characteristic should be fully described  Make it easy to understand for an intelligent audience

13 Conclusion  Offer final comment on your comparison/ contrast  Summarize the main points  Remind readers of your thesis

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