This guide will show you how to... Request a training Request a curriculum or material Last updated : 31/07/2015 HR Support : PeopleLink 2525 / +33 (0)1.

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Presentation on theme: "This guide will show you how to... Request a training Request a curriculum or material Last updated : 31/07/2015 HR Support : PeopleLink 2525 / +33 (0)1."— Presentation transcript:

1 This guide will show you how to... Request a training Request a curriculum or material Last updated : 31/07/2015 HR Support : PeopleLink 2525 / +33 (0)1 70 48 88 88 / / / Approve/Deny a training assignment Approve/Deny training assignment Should you need assistance, please contact PeopleLink: By writing to: ● / / By phone: ●Dialing 25 25 ●Or external call +33 (0)1 70 48 88 88 A counselor will answer you from Monday to Friday from 8:30 5:30 p.m. Evaluate a training To find where you can approve/ deny training assigned to you by your manager, go to Reports > Standard reports. Select “Pending requests”. In this screen you will see: - The participant for the training - Training title & session date - The date of the request - The typology To accept click on the approve icon To deny click on the deny icon To accept click on the approve icon To deny click on the deny icon Warning : Once you have accepted or denied the training assignment, you will not be able to come back to this choice again. To do so, please contact PASS training administrator. Once the training is completed, click on the “Evaluate” link that will appear on the training Options and complete the Training evaluation. Note: You can save and return later. The training evaluation is not submitted until you click on "Submit Final Answers" Employee Self Services Training guide My Learning Link

2 Request a training (ILT) Request a curriculum When you request a training you need to select a “Training Purpose” or training typology before submitting your request. At anytime you’ll be able to see the different status of the training on Learning  My Courses  Transcript APPROVAL PROCESS When requesting a training and regardless of the typology, your manager will have to approve the request. While this happens, the status will be “Pending Approval” in your transcript. APPROVAL PROCESS When requesting a training and regardless of the typology, your manager will have to approve the request. While this happens, the status will be “Pending Approval” in your transcript. Search for a curriculum by selecting the appropriate Learning Object in the search tab (the icon is a pile of books). To access this screen : Welcome page > Search for training 1.Search for the training 2.Click on “Request” 3.Select the “Training Purpose” 4. Click on “Submit” Once requested, the curriculum appears in the active tab of your transcript with a training status “Pending approval”; For any training assigned as part of the training plan, the assignee must Select a session. In the absence of this action, the participation to a training session will not be possible To select the most suitable session you must: Connect to MLL : Learning  My Courses  Transcript Find the “Event” type of training Click on the option « Select Session » Click on « Request » Notice Click on the option “Open Curriculum” in order to see all its components. Click on “Activate ” to initialize the training. All modules must be activated one by one. It is imperative to immediately activate all in class training so your participation can be taken into account. If a session is already available you can select it, if there are no available sessions, you will be notified later of the next dates. 1.The training has been assigned to you as part of the training plan, and it shows on your transcript: Option 1: Session dates are proposed: - Select a session by clicking on "request”  Your manager must validate your participation Option 2: There are no available sessions: - You will be notified of upcoming meeting dates 2. You have identified a training yourself (on self service and not forecasted on the training plan): Option 1: There are no available sessions: Ask your manager to assign you this training (only he can do this)  Your manager must log on MLL, search this training and click on “Assign“ Option 2: There are available sessions: Choose a date by clicking “Request“.  Your manager must validate your participation

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