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Chancellorsville to Chattanooga.  Lincoln replaced Burnside with Joseph Hooker  Hooker attacked Lee’s army near the old Fredericksburg battlefield 

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1 Chancellorsville to Chattanooga

2  Lincoln replaced Burnside with Joseph Hooker  Hooker attacked Lee’s army near the old Fredericksburg battlefield  Lee divided his army and attacked Hooker’s army from the rear  Stonewall Jackson was killed by his own men  Lee’s greatest victory

3 Lee invaded Pennsylvania with 70,000 troops Lincoln replaced Hooker with George Gordon Meade Two armies accidently confronted each other at Gettysburg Confederate troops pushed the Union defenses along Culp’s Hill, Little Round Top, and Devil’s Den, but fail to break the Union line

4  15,000 Rebel troops attack the Union center  The attack is shattered, over half of the Rebels are killed or captured  Gettysburg was a decisive turning point in the war


6 July 4, 1863 Ulysses S. Grant cut the Confederacy in half by taking Vicksburg after a six week siege Sept. 19-20, 1863 Battle of Chickamauga the Confederates win a major battle in north Georgia, second bloodiest battle of the war However their siege of Chattanooga is broken by Grant in Nov. at Lookout Mountain and Missionary Ridge

7  United States Colored Troops  Formed in 1863  Commanded by white officers  10% of the Union army  Fort Wagner and the 54 th Massachusetts

8  People moved into the city in greater numbers to take manufacturing jobs in the North  Draft riots in the cities  Hardships at home left many in the South in miserable conditions  Many women became nurses, spies, and advocates for reforms  Exemptions from the army

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