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Walking in each other's shoes LLP Link 2013-1-DE3-COM06-36083 2 Walking in each other's shoes Comenius Multilateral Partnership.

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1 Walking in each other's shoes LLP Link 2013-1-DE3-COM06-36083 2 Walking in each other's shoes Comenius Multilateral Partnership


3 Total absolvenţi 2012/2013 Total absolvenţiStudii universitare Studii postliceale Piaţa munciiTraseu necunoscut Observaţii Româniastrăinătate XII A 33260115 XII B36270216 XII C29260003 XII D24140118 XII E31221026 XII F32242123 XII G342110012 Total absolvenţi 201321916045743 TREND ANALYSIS OF THE GRADUATES OF MIHAI EMINESCU NATIONAL COLLEGE, BAIA MARE, 2013


5 Graduates registered in higher education systems Forma de învătămât De statPrivat 15212

6 Graduates of Mihai Eminescu National College enrolled in one or several faculties Înscrişi la o facultateÎnscrişi la două sau mai multe facultăţi 1586

7 Universities chosen by the graduates of Mihai Eminescu National College Nr. Crt.Universităţi din : RomâniaNr.StrăinătateNr. Localitate Baia Mare11+15+9+10+7+15+13=80Londra1 Cluj Napoca11+11+15+4+11+8+7=67 Danemarca (oraş Aarhus ) 2 Tg. Mureş1+0+1+0+0+0+1=3SUA (oraşul Tiffin, statul Ohio)1 Timisoara0+1+1+0+1+0+0=3 Sibiu0+0+0+0+0+1+0=1 Sighet1+0+0+0+0+0+0=1 Iaşi1+0+0+0+1+0+0=2 Brasov1+0+0+0+0+0+0=1 Bucuresti0+0+0+0+2+0+0=2


9 FACULTATEANR. ABSOLVENŢI Litere47 Asistenţă socială23 Drept16 Psihologie/Pedagogie16 Geografie, Turism, Cartografie14 Ştiinţe economice12 Ştiinţe politice, Admin., Comunicare12 Istorie şi Filosofie6 Medicină/Asistenţi medicali5 Jurnalism4 Sport3 Chimie, Ind. Produselor alimentare3 Poliţie/Agent poliţie2 Teatru şi televiziune2 Informatică2 Arte plastice/Design2

10 ● A very high percentage of graduates chose to attend university (74.88%) in the country and abroad ● Out of the graduates enrolled in higher education, 92.68% enrolled in the form of public education, maintaining their preferences in traditional universities ● Most of the graduates chose to study in the same city where they completed secondary education (48.78% in Baia-Mare) or close (40.85% in Cluj Napoca), weighing right material advantages and chances of integration into the workforce (after graduation), in addition to the high standard of training they offer faculties of these cities; STRONG POINTS :

11 ● The impact of subjects studied in high school (specifically humanities) can be seen in the choice of faculty, where 78.04% of graduates chose a specialization in this area (Letters, Social Work, Law, etc.); ● The very good results obtained in school during the four years of high school by the graduates encouraged them to continue their studies at university and job. STRONG POINTS :

12 ● 5.47% out of all graduates failed to pass the two sessions of 2013 Baccalaureate (the 12 students were included in the category of graduates route unknown); ● The high percentage (19,63 %) of the graduates whose route is unknown ● The low percentage of the graduates (who didn’t go to university) integrated into the workforce 3,19 %; WEAK POINTS :

13 CONCLUSIONS: Most of the graduates maintained their preference in traditional Universities, 92%. Almost a half of the graduates chose to go to faculties in the same city (or close) where they finished highschool. The subject studied in highschool, had a great impact in choosing the University The very good results obtained in school during the four years of high school graduates encouraged the graduates to continue their studies at university and post so that 74.88% chose to attend university in the country and abroad and 2.28% post-secondary schools.

14 Walking in each other's shoes LLP Link 2013-1-DE3-COM06-36083 2 Thank you Disclaimer This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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