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To “Kill-a-watt” By: M How much energy do we consume?

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Presentation on theme: "To “Kill-a-watt” By: M How much energy do we consume?"— Presentation transcript:

1 To “Kill-a-watt” By: M How much energy do we consume?

2 Project Summary In order to save energy, we must know how much energy we are using? My project used two approaches: – Actual measurements using a power meter – Using the PSE&G electricity usage calculator In the end, I will share some tips to save energy that I learned during my research.

3 What is a Watt? A watt is a unit of power, named after engineer James Watt, which measures the rate of energy transfer. A watt, in electrical terms, is the rate which work is done when one ampere (A) of current flows through one volt (V). Formula: W= A* v

4 A Power Meter Buster The Power Meter Buster is a device that measures the amount of watts that any plug- in electrical device uses. On the screen, it displays the amount of time it has been measuring, the total wattage, and the cost.

5 Methodology In order to get the information, I would plug in the meter, then plug any device into it. It would then calculate the energy consumption for me. After that, I record my findings on a separate sheet and determine the amount of energy it uses in an hour. I have made a chart to show my findings.

6 Actual Measurement Used By Power Meter

7 PSE&G Electrical Calculator Sample key appliances

8 Appliance requiring different methods Microwave: Since my microwave is built in to the wall, I searched the brand and used that information to fill the chart. Air Conditioner: My central air conditioner doesn’t use a three-prong plug. Instead, I went to a friend’s house and ask his parents’ if I can measure their conditioner’s wattage.

9 Tips to Save Electrical Energy When a charged computer is off, unplug the device, so that an electrical leak will not occur. Refrain from keeping a fan, lights, or TV on in a room you are not in. Once a phone or tablet is done charging, unplug immediately. Use CFL or LED bulbs when old light bulbs burn out.


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