POETRY: FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE AND STRUCTURE. VOCABULARY WORDS FOR REVIEW Hyperbole – exaggeration or overstatement for emphasis Personification – giving.

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2 VOCABULARY WORDS FOR REVIEW Hyperbole – exaggeration or overstatement for emphasis Personification – giving of human qualities to an animal, object, or idea Simile – a comparison of two things using like or as.

3 VOCABULARY REVIEW Metaphor – a comparison of two things does not contain the word like or as; instead, it says that one thing is another. An extended metaphor compares two things at some length and in several ways. Symbolism – a person, place, object, or an action that stands for something beyond itself

4 NEW VOCABULARY Onomatopoeia – use of words whose sound suggest their meaning Analogy – a point-by-point comparison between two apparently dissimilar things made to clarify a certain point about one of them. Allusion – a reference to a famous person, place, or work of literature o Biblical – from the Bible o Literary – from literature o Mythological – from myths

5 NEW VOCABULARY Sound Device – using the sounds of words to create a feeling, image or emphasis Alliteration – a repetition of sound or letter at the beginning of words used to emphasize particular words and to give their writing a musical quality. Rhyme – a repetition of sounds at the end of words. The most common form is end rhyme, where the rhyming words occur at the end of lines.

6 New Vocabulary Irony: the use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning: the irony of her reply, “How nice!” when I said I had to work all weekend. Example: Alanis Morissette, Ironic

7 Let’s Take A Look… Turn to the poem “Casey at the Bat”. While I read the poem, think about the setting, characters, and possible plot. Now answer the questions in the packet. Then using the graphic organizer, see if you can find any of the different types of figurative language we have discussed.

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