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Grocott’s Mail Policy Research Plagiarism. Group Members Mlali Chondoma Kate Stegeman Belinda Moses Philippa van Straaten Hilton Tarrant.

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Presentation on theme: "Grocott’s Mail Policy Research Plagiarism. Group Members Mlali Chondoma Kate Stegeman Belinda Moses Philippa van Straaten Hilton Tarrant."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grocott’s Mail Policy Research Plagiarism

2 Group Members Mlali Chondoma Kate Stegeman Belinda Moses Philippa van Straaten Hilton Tarrant

3 What is plagiarism? LEGAL No law exists in this country, BUT plagiarism can be an infringement of copyright. Copyright protects the original author of a work against unauthorised copying of that work. (from Smith, L. Copyright Companion. 1995; and Mail & Guardian, October 10-16, 2003)

4 ACADEMIC Taking and using the ideas, writings, works or inventions of another as if they were one’s own. (from Rhodes University Common Faculty Policy on Plagiarism as adopted by Senate on 28 March 2003)

5 JOURNALISTIC Borrowing, without credit, the writings and ideas of others. Unoriginal material. Uncredited sources. (from Rhodes University Department of Journalism and Media Studies Reuters Style Guide 2003)

6 Problems with plagiarism Legal ramifications (through Copyright Law) Breaking of trust (between journalist and reader) — feeling of betrayal? Personal problem from the view of the plagiarist – doesn’t have confidence/belief in his/her own ideas OR deliberately takes ideas away from someone else for credit.

7 Ethics and morals Shouldn’t hide the process of how we get information from our readers/audience. Taking information/thoughts from others is likened to theft. Printing of press releases under a journalist’s own byline – does the journalist themselves know that what they’re printing is true?

8 The Grocott’s Mail context Community paper – strong community focus/link, therefore strong level of trust between the readers and the reporters.

9 Current Policy No formal policy. “All sources are acknowledged and credited.” – The Editor (Sid Penny)

10 Preliminary Research QUALITATIVE RESEARCH: Interviews Newspaper articles Books and journals QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH: Survey

11 Policy Recommendations POLICY Prohibiting plagiarism (like other media) IMPLEMENTATION Plagiarism board (mostly academics) Training Stronger editing before print Using the internet (search sites)

12 Implementation/Scenarios EDITING/SUB-EDITING PROCESS Strong emphasis here, creating an environment with many checks/balances. AFTER AN INCIDENCE OF PLAGIARISM Disciplinary hearing/investigation Steps/measures against the journalist Damage Control: Paper’s reputation?

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