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Six Tips for Talking Technical When Your Audience Isn’t By Janis Robinson Presenter: Samir Chahid.

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Presentation on theme: "Six Tips for Talking Technical When Your Audience Isn’t By Janis Robinson Presenter: Samir Chahid."— Presentation transcript:

1 Six Tips for Talking Technical When Your Audience Isn’t By Janis Robinson Presenter: Samir Chahid

2 Overview What is Technology? Explaining the Six Tips for talking Technical Summary

3 What is Technology? Technology is “the branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use of technical means and their interrelation with life, society, and the environment, drawing upon such subjects as industrial arts, engineering, applied science, and pure science.” (dictionary. COM) Technology is everywhere, and it is always updated, but it is not necessarily for everybody to be aware of how to deal with it. Technology can be used to create an effective communication and connection between the speaker and the listener.

4 1. Determine the audience’s technology level before you speak The speaker needs to meet with few audiences before the presentation just to see what is their levels of understanding the new technology. He has to know what his audience want to learn from his experience. Do they want to learn a lot to help them in their job or just a little? He must be clear, more specific, and go to the point. His presentation must be interesting and short as possible, in order for the audience to follow it and not get tired or bored. He has to make sure what is the interests of his audiences to make sure he won’t miss anything in the presentation. By meeting with few participants, the speaker will know what his audience will do with the info after the session ends.

5 2.Put your audience at ease There are two kind of audiences; − Audience who join and attend the presentation, because they are interested and have a desire to achieve their goals and get more experience in their jobs. −Audiences who attend the presentation just because their bosses asked them to attend it, and may be their positions depend on their attendance; so they might seemed afraid or confused: −Suggestions: [relax the insecure participants ] Use friendly atmosphere Humor / Making fun of anything but not the audience Try to spot anyone who is truly afraid Ask audience questions and make them participat e −If possible, and if the speaker has the opportunity to meet with the uncomfortable people before the presentation and ask them privately why they are afraid, it will be better.

6 3.Don’t be a techno-snob The speaker has to avoid using sentences such as “It’s obvious,” “ It’s common knowledge”, or “As you all know” while his giving his presentation. These sentences make the audience get confused and hard to follow the presenter, because they think they are the only people who don’t know what the speaker is talking about. The speaker was asked to speak because he is the expert and has a lot of experience, but at the same time he has to know that his rule is to pass his experience to others. While explaining the materials, he has to explain step by step slowly and make sure that everybody is following, and try do not make anyone be embarrassed because they are not familiar with the materials.

7 4.Avoid using jargon or acronyms First of all, the speaker has to take the audience in consideration; in other word, the presenter has to use a sample words that can be clearly and fully understood by the audience. In order to create a good connection between presenter and his audience, he has to use simple context, sample words (not technical or key words). While talking about technology, he has to use simple words or if he does use complex words he has to make sure that he is ready to explain more and has to have an answer for questions.

8 5.Use verbal illustrations The presenter has to spark his audiences by using their languages and by using some key words that will capture his audience’ attention(pictures, ask questions, and true stories). He has to choose general key words that make sense to his audiences rather than using technical words, so they won’t get confused.

9 6.Whenever possible show, don’t tell The speaker may use a visual tools such as videos, pictures, or charts, etc that support his ideas. Sometimes, visuals give better explanation to the audiences and get directly to the main point than just listen to a speaker.

10 Summary Finally, I would say that the six tips for talking technical described earlier can help the presenter to be prepared and make plans of what he will say in his presentation in order to be understood and followed by his audience. Moreover, It will help him make his presentation more effective. Technology is a part of our daily life and everyone needs to be aware of it. Technology can be used to create communication and connection between the speaker and the listener.

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