EQ: What are the structures of the brain and what do they control? BR: Besides for “thinking” what types of things do you think your brain controls?

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Presentation on theme: "EQ: What are the structures of the brain and what do they control? BR: Besides for “thinking” what types of things do you think your brain controls?"— Presentation transcript:

1 EQ: What are the structures of the brain and what do they control? BR: Besides for “thinking” what types of things do you think your brain controls?

2 O Write an explanation for each of the parts of the brain on the graphic organizer O Use page 63 and handout: Outline and label parts of brain on diagram. O HW: Draw a picture or symbol which represents what each part does

3 Essential Question: What does the cerebral cortex do? O BR: If you had to give up one sense (sight, touch, or hearing) which would you give up and why?

4 Cerebral Cortex O Thinking center of the brain O Coordinates all other areas O Divided into 2 cerebral hemispheres which are connected at the corpus callosum O 4 lobes

5 O Brain is cross wired: Right hemisphere controls movement and feeling in the left side of body and vice versa

6 On back of handout copy this chart LobeFunctionsResults if damaged

7 Lobe stations O Oh the joy!!! O Go to each station. O Try the activity O Discuss questions O Take notes

8 Occipital Lobe: Can you see the hidden picture?


10 What does occipital lobe control?

11 Occipital Lobes O Visual region O Allows you to experience shapes, color, and motion O Damage can cause blindness

12 O Get a partner O One partner close their eyes and the other puts an object on their desk O Try to guess what the object is O Switch roles

13 What do the parietal lobes control?

14 Parietal Lobes O Touch and sensation O How you experience yourself in space around you O Damage can affect sense of touch

15 Read the page on your desk O What do the frontal lobes control?

16 Frontal lobes O Coordination of movement O higher mental processes such as planning, social skills, emotional control, and abstract thinking O Left: positive feelings O Right: negative feelings O Damage causes personality changes

17 Listen to video O What do temporal lobes control?

18 Temporal Lobes O Hearing and language O Damage can cause difficulty in understanding what words and sentences mean

19 Reflection: O Which lobe would you least want damaged? O Why?

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