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What is the empty wallet syndrome? Why does scarcity affect us at all times?

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Presentation on theme: "What is the empty wallet syndrome? Why does scarcity affect us at all times?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is the empty wallet syndrome? Why does scarcity affect us at all times?

2 What are wants and needs?  Needs+= must have to survive items: Food, clothing shelter, air, water etc.  Wants= things we’d like to have but they are not necessary for survival- unlimited!

3 How do we satisfy those unlimited wants and needs?  We use our very limited resources of course?  This is called Scarcity!

4 Because we all have unlimited wants and needs but suffer from limited resources we always face the problem of Scarcity– we must choose wisely. We can buy Goods & Services to satisfy that utility. But which do I choose?

5 Sometimes those goods and services are temporarily unavailable. Economists call that a Shortage  Sold Out 

6 What are Goods and Services made of?  Factors of Production  Land  Labor  Capital  Entrepreneurship

7 What goes into your empty box?Human Capital  Our knowledge, skills and abilities

8 How can we maximize our Utility? = Efficiency  We weigh our choices and compare benefits to the costs of each alternative  Economists call this Tradeoffs and Opportunity costs

9 Tradeoffs= precieved value  To Adam Smith and his concept of the market economy-(laissez faire)  Those values are best determined by the individual

10 Opportunity Cost= next best alternative to the chosen value

11 Is there an economic way to evaluate these complex choices?= Graphs  Production Possibilities Curves  Resource Schedules

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