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 Mr. Bordelon University High School.  What is economics?

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Presentation on theme: " Mr. Bordelon University High School.  What is economics?"— Presentation transcript:

1  Mr. Bordelon University High School

2  What is economics?

3 o The study of how people, businesses, and nations make choices to satisfy their wants and needs.

4  Utility

5 o Economicky way of saying “satisfaction.”

6  A limited amount of resources to meet an unlimited amount of needs and wants.

7 o Scarcity.

8  The amount of choices available at any one time.

9 o Trade-offs.

10  Opportunity cost

11 o The value of the best alternative not chosen.

12  The resources used to make goods and services.

13 o Factors of production

14  What are the factors of production?

15 o Land o Labor o Capital o Entrepreneurship

16  What is land?

17 o Baby, don’t hurt me, don’t hurt me no more.

18  What is land? o Natural resources.

19  What is labor?

20 o Paid human work/effort.

21  What is capital?

22 o Manmade resources.

23  Physical capital  Human capital

24  Physical capital o Tools, machinery, factories  Human capital

25  Physical capital o Tools, machinery, factories  Human capital o Knowledge, skills, experience, education

26  Entrepreneur

27 o Risk-taker o Person who makes the decisions about land, labor, and capital to make products.

28  Hypothetical model of an economy that produces two very different products, and shows us the opportunity cost of producing one product or another.

29 o Production Possibilities Curve (PPC)

30  Underutilization

31 o Seen on a PPC, when an economy does not use all of the available resources to produce all the goods it can. Inefficient.

32  Efficiency on a PPC

33 o Shown on the curve itself, any point along the curve is efficient. It is efficient because that economy is using all the resources possible to make products.

34  Impossibility on PPC

35 o Outside of the actual curve, a point of impossibilities occurs because there is no ability to reach that level of production given current resources.

36  What is the law of increasing opportunity costs?

37 o When we switch from one item of production to another, it costs us more and more to do so. o Gives the PPC it’s actual curve shape. Resources are not perfectly adaptable, so it’s not a one-to-one exchange.

38  Moving from Point C to Point A, what is the opportunity cost of producing guns?

39 o 20 butter. o We’re producing 100 guns, up from 25, for a gain of 75 guns. o To do that, we have to give up making 20 butter.

40  Moving from Point A to Point B, what is the opportunity cost of producing butter?

41 o 20 guns. o We’re producing 45 butter, up from 30, for a gain of 15 butter. o To do that, we must give up 20 guns.

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