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R e D R e S S 1 Resource Discovery in e-Social Science (ReDReSS) Rob Crouchley.

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Presentation on theme: "R e D R e S S 1 Resource Discovery in e-Social Science (ReDReSS) Rob Crouchley."— Presentation transcript:

1 R e D R e S S 1 Resource Discovery in e-Social Science (ReDReSS) Rob Crouchley

2 R e D R e S S 2 Background: what is e-Science? The three exponentials: Computer speed doubles every 18 months. Our ability to model and simulate complex systems increases at the same rate; Storage density doubles every 12 months. Some groups talking about data sets that are a Petabyte in size and which will be 10 Petabytes/year in 5 years time; Network bandwidth doubles every 9 months.

3 R e D R e S S 3 Background: what is e-Science? The GRID concept puts all three components together and makes them even more important. There are several different types of GRID, e.g. 1.Computational GRIDs for high-performance computation; 2.Access GRIDs for collaborative visualization involving distant researchers; 3.Data GRIDs for moving large volumes of data; 4.Sensor GRIDs for real-time monitoring (e.g traffic and pedestrian flows, electronic transactions); 5.Educational GRIDs for orchestrating distributed content.

4 R e D R e S S 4 So What? You may say, as you do not need e- Science or e-Social Science to do your research, learning, teaching or admin. However, there are some generic insights and developments into VLEs and VREs that have a much wider relevance. Critical to these developments are the creation of open source and platform independent software

5 R e D R e S S 5 We All need User Friendly Tools The open source software developments needed for doing e-research, e- collaboration, e-admin and e-learning are all lagging behind that of the hardware, thesoftware gap However, portals can make all our e-tools easier to use

6 R e D R e S S 6 What is a Portal? Portals are a framework to deploy e-tools (aka rectangles), they focus on how the user wants to arrange their own rectangles; The portal allows component integration, the goal is for the tools to work together closely and seem to really be parts of a larger tool; Portals have a lot of features that come out of the box, like chat, file sharing, etc. This makes them useful straight away. They allow customisation, preferences and improve accessibility.

7 R e D R e S S 7 Portals Add Value for all of us 1.Provide increased functionality, web pages and resources tailored to the needs of the individual; 2.We think that this is an ideal framework for e-Research tools and for resource discovery; 3.They can be Plug and Play; 4.Portals will soon provide an interface to many of our e-Research tools/services and resources; 5.They also bridge the gap between e- Learning and e-Research.

8 R e D R e S S 8 ReDReSS Tools/Technology

9 R e D R e S S 9

10 10 Sakai/CHEF Sakai/CHEF already adopted as the open source hosting framework of choice for VLEs(MLE) and VREs (OGCE) development in the USA Big new investments from Mellon Foundation and leading American Universities ($6.8M) ; OGCE (Open Grid Computing Environments Collaboratory) funded by NSF, use CHEF Sakai used at Michigan (20,000 students) & by Jan at Indiana (90,000 students) Sakai will soon be able to take JSR-168 and WSRP compliant portlets. This will enable access to Web services via the registry and link to core services; The Sakai/ OGCE Projects have critical mass and a lot of momentum.

11 R e D R e S S 11 ReDReSS Content Introductory Material and Support Motivation and Background Agenda Setting Workshops Collaboration Data Management Visualisation Semantics and Knowledge Management Examples from e-Social Science Projects Software Development Social Shaping Portals and Related Technology High Performance Computing Security and Confidentiality Grid and Web Services Network Technology Databases

12 R e D R e S S 12 ReDReSS web Site

13 R e D R e S S 13 Resources on Web site

14 R e D R e S S 14 Thesaurus at Resources on Web site

15 R e D R e S S 15 Help on using Sakai found at http://e- Resources on Web site

16 R e D R e S S 16 Getting to the ReDReSS Portal {Via the Home button}

17 R e D R e S S 17 Inside the Portal Resources page for Evaluation work site

18 R e D R e S S 18 Structuring Content We are developing a resource discovery tool (some Portal software) that constructs a tutorial (Learning Design/content sequence) appropriate to a users needs. It will integrate content created by most standard authoring systems (incl. video) that is visible on the web

19 R e D R e S S 19 Automatic vs Manual LDs We are adopting two strategies for tutorial creation, in parallel. –A system that automatically generates Learning Designs using metadata records, and then plays them back in the CopperCore engine. –A manual procedure, using LDCue, the RELOAD editor and the CopperCore playback engine. This means that while we work on the automated system, we can still deliver tutorials using Learning Design.

20 R e D R e S S 20 LDCue A resource discoverer will be able to specify where am I now and where I want to be, then they will be supplied, by the LDCue tool, with a list of potentially suitable learning object URIs. The metadata on these URIs will help them create learning designs that sequence material unfamiliar to them (read this first, then this, etc ). Caching techniques will be used to locally store metadata and thus help make the tool useful, even when a network connection is unavailable and a metadata repository cannot be contacted.

21 R e D R e S S 21 Moving around the URI Terrain Research Methods e-Social Science Everything Else

22 R e D R e S S 22 Core ReDReSS Metadata Labels

23 R e D R e S S 23 Reload Reload is a learning design package (see which will facilitate the creation, sharing and reuse of learning objects and services. Reload helps to structure the learning objects, which can be presented to the learner either sequentially or as a selection. Reload automatically produces an xml file, which the learner can play back in CopperCore.

24 R e D R e S S 24 Automatic LDs

25 R e D R e S S 25 Manual LDs (LDCue, Reload & CopperCore) Just like a music composer, Reload & LDCue are used to compose the structure for the learning design. The resource discoverer is the DJ who plays back the learning design created in Reload.

26 R e D R e S S 26 Manual LDs (RELOAD Editor)

27 R e D R e S S 27 Manual LDs (a fragment of xml) or under the covers

28 R e D R e S S 28 Manual LDs (Reload & CopperCore) Like a radio, CopperCore is the tool we use to play back the learning design. However, CopperCore will keep track of what has been read by the resource discoverer.

29 R e D R e S S 29 Resource Discovery Deployment

30 R e D R e S S 30 Advantages of CopperCore over a search engine on the web Search engines do not sequence material by difficulty/complexity; With Learning Design (CopperCore) you know you are getting semantically coherent content; Google typically gives associative learning, which may be inappropriate for some e-Research learning objectives;

31 R e D R e S S 31 Some links Redress Sakai

32 R e D R e S S 32 Forthcoming Attractions In the next 12 months the Americans (mostly) will get uPortal and Sakai into the same JVM with uPortal handling navigation and layout for Sakai.

33 R e D R e S S 33 Aligning Roadmaps uPortal JSR-168 WSRP Consumer Navigation Improvements WSRP Producer Sakai iFrame Producer WSRP Producer JSR-168 Support uPortal Integration Single JVM / Shared Navigation Well Understood Design Issues Remain Phase I Phase II

34 R e D R e S S 34 Sakai tool HTTP WSRP Portal Sakai tool HTTP Sakai tool HTTP Non-Sakai Non-Java Tools tool WSRP Non-Sakai Tool WSRP Using WSRP and uPortal to Federate across Sakai sites and provide extreme user flexibility in presentation

35 R e D R e S S 35 Our learning and research requirements appear to be different…

36 R e D R e S S 36 Traditionally, there are some differences Locus of control Existing versus emerging information Fixed versus fluid agenda Different tools in use Similarity and Differences VRE Physics VRE Chemistry IE Social Science Teaching Learning Visualization Grid Computing Annotation QTI Scorm Attendance Chat Discussion Resources Repository Shared Data

37 R e D R e S S 37 We could integrate it all; we need a PLRE VLE Visualization Annotation QTI Scorm Chat Shared Data Computing IE VRE The Personal Learning/Research Environment (PLRE) would add a productivity layer to the VLE VRE IE Space which Unifies the look/feel/usability across the multiple sources of information

38 R e D R e S S 38 Stop Questions?

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