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Making Learning Visible Developing the recognition of non-­formal & informal learning Sharon Watson.

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Presentation on theme: "Making Learning Visible Developing the recognition of non-­formal & informal learning Sharon Watson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Making Learning Visible Developing the recognition of non-­formal & informal learning Sharon Watson

2 Ensure all WEA students and volunteers have an opportunity to identify● document ●assess ● certificate learning outcomes, allowing each individual to take advantage of any or all of these, in accordance with his/her needs Promote fair access to recognition of learning outcomes for all students and volunteers, especially disadvantaged groups Develop and promote innovative and flexible recognition pathways across all four themes Ensure effective IAG on the benefits of, and opportunities for recognition for students and volunteers Support and implement the training and development of staff, tutors and volunteers involved in recognition Connect the WEA with the policy landscape and best practice in recognition of learning outcomes at national and European level

3 Why do we need to bother?

4 Recognising learning ILPs RARPA Quality assured RARPA End of course certificates Publications and exhibitions Celebrations and awards Student blogs/case studies Accreditation (external) Qualifications

5 Current practice, innovations and opportunities Thinking Differently, Digital Diversity WEAVE and Open Badges WEA Internal Certificate WEA Scotland- SQA Units WEA Learn Online Quality Assured RARPA Recognition/mentored pathways Volunteers Certificate of completion

6 Key messages Recognition should be an individual right Comprehensive and flexible, with clear progression routes Create more parity between formal and non- formal learning Create more targeted opportunities for disadvantaged groups Invest and collaborate !

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