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2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference 1 D EVELOPING AND U SING P-20W L ONGITUDINAL R EPORTS Monday, October 29, 2012 Carol Jenner, Washington State.

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Presentation on theme: "2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference 1 D EVELOPING AND U SING P-20W L ONGITUDINAL R EPORTS Monday, October 29, 2012 Carol Jenner, Washington State."— Presentation transcript:

1 2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference 1 D EVELOPING AND U SING P-20W L ONGITUDINAL R EPORTS Monday, October 29, 2012 Carol Jenner, Washington State Education Research and Data Center Charles McGrew, Kentucky P-20 Data Collaborative Neal Gibson, Arkansas Department of Education Arkansas Research Center

2 2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference Arkansas: The Arkansas Research Center (ARC) Kentucky P-20: A Collaborative Approach Washington: Washington State Education Research and Data Center O VERVIEW 2

3 2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference T HE A RKANSAS R ESEARCH C ENTER (ARC) 3

4 2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference 4 A RKANSAS RESEARCH C ENTER

5 2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference 5 R EQUEST F ORM

6 2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference 6 R ESPONSIBILITIES K12 Higher Education Workforce/CTE Early Learning Web Development

7 2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference 7 AEER R EPORT

8 2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference 8 G RADUATE W AGES

9 2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference 9 E CONOMIC S UCCESS M EASURES

10 2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference 10 L OTTERY S CHOLARSHIP

11 2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference 11 E ARLY L EARNING F EEDBACK

12 2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference 12 O N -T IME C OLLEGE G RADUATION

13 2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference 13 UAMS N EONATAL R ESEARCH

14 2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference K ENTUCKY P-20: A C OLLABORATIVE A PPROACH 14

15 2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference P-20 Data Collaborative Research Agenda P-20 staff compile a list of potential ongoing production and special report topics for the governance group based on feedback from various constituents, analyzing legislative topics, etc. Governance reviews and approves an annual reporting and research agenda. H OW ARE R EPORTS D EVELOPED KY 15

16 2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference Planned Development Process Audiences are identified and contacted for feedback or assembled as focus groups before the reports are created. Mock-up reports are developed for feedback and data are analyzed to ensure they are appropriate. Target audience iteratively review drafts. Final reports released for vetting. Reports released publicly. H OW ARE R EPORTS D EVELOPED KY 16

17 2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference Ad Hoc Development Process Report or research request is made or proposed Approval process o Requests from state entities are automatically approved within reason o External requests are evaluated on merit, work required, and funding Initial reports are developed Abbreviated vetting and approval process Reports released H OW ARE R EPORTS D EVELOPED KY 17

18 2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference C URRENT AND N EAR -F UTURE R EPORTS KY 18 ReportAudienceRelease High School Feedback Reports – College Going Schools, Districts, Parents, General Public Winter High School Feedback Reports – College Success Schools, Districts, Parents, General Public Fall/Winter Kentucky County ProfilesPolicy Makers, Business, General Public Summer Early Childhood ProfileEarly Childhood Advisory Councils Winter Employment OutcomesUniversities, Policy Makers, General Public Fall Adult Education Feedback Report Adult Education Providers, KYAE, Policy Makers, General Public Spring Teacher Preparation, Student Performance, and Teacher Longevity Teacher Prep Institutions, School Boards, General Public Spring Reports available at

19 2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference D ATA P RESENTATION AND U SE KY 19 Pitfalls Know your audience. What do they need to know and what format will best communicate it to them? Don’t waste people’s time with data for data sake. Does it have usable meaning? Just the facts. Don’t interpret data based on a political agenda. If you present it clearly people can make their own interpretations People don’t like surprises – vet for accuracy as much as to prepare people


21 2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference The Education Research & Data Center Centralized P-20W data warehouse in development Longitudinal reports are designed and produced now Many reports have companion data sets Reports will eventually be data warehouse products P-20 reports for high schools and school districts website: Plans for additional P-20W longitudinal reports for higher education and early learning sectors B ACKGROUND 21

22 2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference Identify and involve stakeholders (for specific reports) SEA staff, district administrators, school counselors Higher education institutional researchers State agencies, including P-20W partners Legislators and legislative staff Allow for stakeholder review before public release Other considerations Maximize data available while maintaining student privacy Incorporate federal- and state-mandated elements when possible R EPORT D EVELOPMENT 22

23 2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference Public access at Interactive, online reports based on de-identified data sets generated from the data warehouse (plus companion data sets for download) Incorporation into SEA reporting (planned) Some elements will be provided to SEA for reporting to administrators and for public website Directly from the data warehouse By ERDC staff A CCESS TO REPORTS 23

24 2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference Focus on “Feedback” reports P-20 Reports for high schools and districts Postsecondary enrollment by student characteristics Pre-college (“remedial”) course-taking P-20W Reports for baccalaureate institutions De-identified data files to institutional researchers now – detail file plus longitudinal summary Employment while enrolled and after graduation (annual earnings, industry of employment) W HAT TYPES OF REPORTS ARE PRODUCED ? 24

25 2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference Employ effective data governance Communication between agency decision-makers, data stewards and custodians, and research coordinators Promote a P-20W data culture (“Think P-20”) Establish definitions appropriate for P-20W Recognize that counts in P-20W reports may not exactly match those in individual sector reports Recognize that P-20W data provides richer information and presents new ways of analyzing old questions A VOIDING P ITFALLS 25

26 2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference Contact information: Carol Jenner, Charles McGrew, Neal Gibson, Keith Brown, C ONTACTS & A DDITIONAL R ESOURCES 26

27 2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference For more information on developing and using P-20W longitudinal reports: Data Use Issue Brief: Techniques for Analyzing Longitudinal Administrative Data: 4_Analysis-Techniques.pdf 4_Analysis-Techniques.pdf Data Use Issue Brief: Turning Administrative Data into Research-Ready Longitudinal Data Sets: Issue-Brief-3_Research-Ready-Datasets.pdf Issue-Brief-3_Research-Ready-Datasets.pdf C ONTACTS & A DDITIONAL R ESOURCES 27

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