Practical Exchange of ATOVS Direct Broadcast Data in Asia Pacific Region Akihiko Nakazono Office of International Communications, Forecast Department,

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Presentation on theme: "Practical Exchange of ATOVS Direct Broadcast Data in Asia Pacific Region Akihiko Nakazono Office of International Communications, Forecast Department,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Practical Exchange of ATOVS Direct Broadcast Data in Asia Pacific Region Akihiko Nakazono Office of International Communications, Forecast Department, JMA APSDEU-6, 1-3 June 2005, Seoul, Republic of Korea © NOAA/NESDIS

2 PART 1 Status of ATOVS-DB Data Related Activities in JMA

3 ATOVS-DB Data at Syowa Station Topic-1 ATOVS-DB Data at Syowa Station Syowa Station, belongs to the National Institute of Polar Research (NIPR), was established in 1957 at 69.00S and 39.58E Antarctica. Showa Station has been receiving NOAA HRPT data for research and operation. The HRPT data are relayed to the NIPR in Tokyo near real-time through 1Mbps satellite communication circuits since 2004.

4 ATOVS-DB Data at Syowa Station ATOVS-DB Data at Syowa Station (cont.) JMA started to negotiate with the NIPR on acquisition and utilization of the data, including dissemination to WMO Members. The NIPR seems to allow dissemination to WMO members under the their data policy, i.e., inclusion of the originator name in the data. The Meteorological Satellite Centre is experimentally getting the data from the NIPR, and studying for applying the AAPP package effectively.

5 Sample ATOVS Data Received at Syowa Station

6 Replacement Plan of HRPT Equipment at the Meteorological Satellite Centre (MSC), Kiyose Topic-2 Replacement Plan of HRPT Equipment at the Meteorological Satellite Centre (MSC), Kiyose

7 Reception of NOAA DB Data at MSC (current system) JMA has been receiving the NOAA satellite data since 1968 at the MSC, Kiyose Currently, JMA receives HRPT data from NOAA-16 and 17 around 10 orbits a day (c)Nojima

8 New Reception System The MSC is procuring a new POS receiving system which replaces current one. Capability of direct reception of the forthcoming AHRPT from METOP as well as HRPT from NOAA satellites In addition to the L-band, antenna has a capability of receiving X-band for the reception of HRD from NPP/NPOESS New system start to work in March 2006

9 Diagram of new reception system INTF DRIVER CIRCUIT DRIVER CIRCUIT LAN 3mΦ Parabolic antenna Time Server Time Server NOAA Rx NOAA Rx METOP Rx METOP Rx INTF Signal Processing & Control Unit Optical Cable SAPS HRPT, AHRPT Antenna TowerOperation Room SAPS:Satellite Data Advanced Processing System LNA D/C

10 Future plan of polar orbit satellite data reception METOP-2 METOP-1 NOAA-N’ NOAA-18 NOAA-17 NOAA-16 201320122011201020092008200720062005 : PM Satellite : AM Satellite As of May 2005

11 Status of AAPP Installation JMA has already utilized the AAPP ver.4.4 operationally for ATOVS DB data at MSC/JMA and for global ATOVS data at NPD/JMA. The AAPP processing time for DB HRPT data is less than two minutes per orbit.

12 PART 2 Practical Exchange of ATOVS-DB Data in Asia Pacific

13 CONTENTS BackgroundBackground Analysis & Estimation for exchangeAnalysis & Estimation for exchange ProposalProposal

14 Background The importance of ATOVS DB data for NWPs has been confirmed and therefore the exchange of ATOVS DB data have been discussed in the APSDEU since its fourth meeting in March 2002. APSDEU-4: Recommendation 8 –The meeting noted the importance of real time data exchange of locally received ATOVS data. –KMA and CMA agreed to explore the possibility of real time ATOVS data exchange. – BoM will investigate the possibility of distributing locally received ATOVS data.

15 Background Background (cont.) Action Item 2004-5-15 ( Beijing,2004) –The meeting noted the importance of real time data exchange of locally received ATOVS L1B or L1C data processed by AAPP. –KMA, CMA and JMA agreed to investigate the possibility of real time ATOVS data exchange. –The Australian Bureau of Meteorology also agreed to investigate the possibility of distributing real time ATOVS data. –These countries agreed to explore the EUMETSAT EARS approach as one possible strategy to achieve implementation.

16 Background Background (cont.) EARS has been established for collecting and disseminating ATOVS data in Europe and North America since 2001 CGMS has been discussing the exchange of ATOVS DB Data within the framework of WMO Space Program WMO, hosted by EUMETSAT, held the 1-st RARS Workshop in Dec 2004

17 In the 1-st RARS Workshop, Three Areas are Focused and Discussed for RARS in the Asia Pacific Region –Data Collection Potential HRPT Stations - at least, 19 stations are identified Communication means - FTP over GTS, Internet …. –Data Distribution Communication means - FTP over GTS, Internet,... –Standardization The data should only be processed to AAPP L1A at the various HRPT station sites Further processing to AAPP L1C at the distribution centres to ensure better calibration on the data

18 Potential HRPT Stations in the Asia Pacific Existing National Stations: in Australia, China - including Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, and New Zealand Singapore, Guam, Tahiti, Fiji, (La Reunion) Antarctic Stations: –McMurdo, Dumont d’Urville, Casey, Syowa Coverage by the 19 stations above

19 CONTENTS BackgroundBackground Analysis & Estimation for exchangeAnalysis & Estimation for exchange ConclusionConclusion

20 HRPT Stations in BoM, CMA, HKO, KMA, and JMA BoM –Darwin, Melbourne, Perth, Casey (Antarctica) CMA –Beijing, Guangzhou, Urumuqi, Lasha HKO –Hong Kong KMA –Seoul JMA –Kiyose, Syowa (Antarctica) There are 12 candidates

21 Coverage by 12 HRPT Stations

22 Coverage by the 12 HRPT Stations (Northern Hemisphere) EARS (DEC 2003)

23 Coverage by the 12 HRPT Stations (Southern Hemisphere)

24 Duration and Completion of reception A coverage of the station (depends on conditions) Orbit N Orbit N+1Orbit N+2 Completion Duration A Receiving Station

25 Estimated Duration and Completion Time at HRPT Receiving Stations (NOAA-16, 1 st -3 rd May) Origin of each circle indicates completion time. Diameter of each circle is relative to the duration of reception (max. 15-minutes)

26 Estimated Completion Time of HRPT Receiving Stations (superposition in May)

27 Estimated Duration and Completion Time at HRPT Receiving Stations (1 st May) 1234 Congestion Times

28 Estimated Duration and Completion Time at HRPT Receiving Stations (congestion time1)

29 Estimated Duration and Completion Time at HRPT Receiving Stations (congestion time2)

30 Estimated Duration and Completion Time at HRPT Receiving Stations (congestion time3)

31 Estimated Duration and Completion Time at HRPT Receiving Stations (congestion time4)

32 Characteristics of ATOVS DB reception in view of exchange Rush hour of ATOVS data are foreseen around six to eight times a day in the East Asia In a rush hour, most of HRPT stations in CMA, HKO, KMA and JMA complete reception in a short period (within 10 minutes ) In view of traffic, the degree of rushing depends on orbit position, data processing time at stations and centers, and national and international communications…should be examined

33 Amount of ATOVS Data Unit to be Transferred AAPP Level 1A/1B –Maximum Size = 1.2MB / Pass / Satellite in gzip compressed file AAPP Level 1C – Typical Size = 1.1MB / Pass / Satellite in BUFR form Roughly, 1.2MB is a index of data transfer A 1.2MB file is transferable within 5 minutes through a 32Kbps circuit with 100% efficiency

34 BoM Melbourne HKO Hong Kong HKO Hong Kong KMA Seoul KMA Seoul JMA Tokyo JMA Tokyo F/R MSS Tokyo NOAA ATOVS 256Kbps1.5Mbps 64Kbps 192Kbps 64Kbps 128Kbps CMA Beijing CMA Beijing CIR=16CIR=32 CIR=48 CIR=16 UNIX Workstation 4 processors CIR=16 FTP File exchange GTS Socket Message, FAX exchange F/R : Frame RelayCIR : Committed Information Rate ( RMDCN ) GTS links for exchange of ATOVS data GTS links for exchange of ATOVS data FTP can be used for ATOVS data exchange over GTS among these centres

35 MSS Tokyo FTP File exchange GTS Socket Message, FAX exchange F/R : Frame RelayCIR : Committed Information Rate Use of GTS links for exchange of ATOVS data Use of GTS links for exchange of ATOVS data FTP can be used for ATOVS data exchange over GTS among these centers In the Rush Hour BoM Melbourne HKO Hong Kong HKO Hong Kong KMA Seoul KMA Seoul JMA Tokyo JMA Tokyo F/R NOAA ATOVS 256Kbps1.5Mbps 64Kbps 192Kbps 64Kbps 128Kbps CMA Beijing CMA Beijing CIR=16CIR=32 CIR=48 CIR=16 UNIX Workstation 4 processors CIR=16 ( RMDCN ) 64Kbps 96Kbps Rough Estimation To complete file transfer around 5 minutes

36 These five centers are connected by TCP/IP links in GTS directly or via Tokyo FTP can be used for ATOVS data exchange over GTS among these centers FTP server at Tokyo is accessible through GTS and has capability to collect and distribute ATOVS data files Most of GTS links among these centers seem to have, or will have, enough spare capacity for ATOVS data, but some circuits have to be considered to widen the bandwidth to avoid delay in congestion hours Use of GTS links for the exchange of ATOVS data among BoM, CMA, HKO, KMA and JMA

37 Standardization/Coordination ( for data handling and utilizing ) Type of data to be exchanged –AAPP Level L1A/L1B/L1C –AAPP Version? Names and Codes – Name (Code) of the HRPT Stations and Processing Centres required in the AAPP and applied to output data, should be coordinated globally Format of data –AAPP Specific file, or –BUFR form(L3C) (TBD) Descriptors and codes to be used (Is it enough with 3-10-008, 3-10-009, 3-10-010 for L1C?) Any additional descriptors and/or codes to be defined? –Common encoder is expected for BUFR encoding To Exchange ATOVS Data, some rules are required and shall to be coordinated

38 Standardization/Coordination ( for data transfer ) Data compression –gzip, bzip2 ? File naming convention for transfer –For WMO code: WMO PUB 386, AII-15 –For other type: TBD (WMO has not defined yet) FTP procedure –WMO PUB 386, AII-15 –Get/Put? (needs bilateral agreement between centres) Anything else ?

39 CONTENTS BackgroundBackground Analysis & Estimation for exchangeAnalysis & Estimation for exchange ConclusionConclusion

40 The Time Has Come JMA already has capability of receiving HRPT, pre-processing by AAPP, and exchanging ATOVS data through the GTS, and is willing to perform our part of the retransmission functions through the GTS in cooperation with other Centers concerned JMA propose: – to start to exchange ATOVS AAPP data – among BoM, CMA, HKO, KMA, and JMA – through the GTS – by the end of 2005

41 The Time Has Come (Cont.) APSDEU is expected to start discussion and coordination on the exchange of ATOV DB data Then, examine the exchange and make reviews to the next step => The next meeting is expected to be held in early 2006

42 Thank you for your attention!! 감사합니다

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