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W ORKPLACE V OCABULARY 7 Retirement, Balance, Cash Drawer, State Taxes and Federal Taxes.

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Presentation on theme: "W ORKPLACE V OCABULARY 7 Retirement, Balance, Cash Drawer, State Taxes and Federal Taxes."— Presentation transcript:

1 W ORKPLACE V OCABULARY 7 Retirement, Balance, Cash Drawer, State Taxes and Federal Taxes

2 R ETIREMENT The point where a person stops employment completely. A person can partly retire and still have a part time job, out of necessity or choice. This usually happens upon reaching a determined age. The average retirement age in the US is 65.

3 B ALANCE A state of equality. Equally distributed

4 C ASH D RAWER A compartment under a cash register that holds money, coupons, etc.

5 S TATE T AXES Taxes that are imposed by state governments to fund state programs.

6 F EDERAL TAXES Taxes that are imposed by federal governments for public use.

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