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EEA-PROMOTE users meeting, Copenhagen, 12 June 2008 Laurence Rouïl, Vincent-Henri Peuch, Anthony Ung Hendrik Elbern, Achim Strunk Thilo Erbertseder, Thomas.

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Presentation on theme: "EEA-PROMOTE users meeting, Copenhagen, 12 June 2008 Laurence Rouïl, Vincent-Henri Peuch, Anthony Ung Hendrik Elbern, Achim Strunk Thilo Erbertseder, Thomas."— Presentation transcript:

1 EEA-PROMOTE users meeting, Copenhagen, 12 June 2008 Laurence Rouïl, Vincent-Henri Peuch, Anthony Ung Hendrik Elbern, Achim Strunk Thilo Erbertseder, Thomas Holzer-Popp, Renske Timmermans, Mikhail Sofiev, Philippe Garnesson PROMOTE Protocol Monitoring for the GMES Service Element on Atmosphere The Integrated Air quality Platform (IAQ)

2 EEA-PROMOTE users meeting, Copenhagen, 12 June 2008  A cooperative work for delivering in an operational way analyzed and forecasted maps of air pollutant concentrations  Based on 5-6 chemistry-transport models which are recognized for their performances, and run operationally at the European scale u CHIMERE and MOCAGE (PREV’AIR Consortium) u EURAD (RIU) u LOTOS-EUROS (TNO) u SILAM (FMI) u POLAIR (CEREA)  Air quality forecasts and near real time analysed maps, throughout Europe, for regulatory atmospheric pollutants: Ozone, nitrogen dioxide, PM.  Ensemble approach : the median of 5-6 “good” model results is generally “better” than a single model result PROMOTE: The Integrated Air quality platform Phase 1 Phases 2-3

3 EEA-PROMOTE users meeting, Copenhagen, 12 June 2008 Other issues  Commitment related to the model resolution : 50km*50km to 25km*25km throughout Europe  Use of observation data (in situ and satellite) to be integrated in the models in near real time ( for analyses and validation)  Calculation of statistical scores against observation data (bias, RMSE, correlation coefficient) for the individual models and the ensemble  Uncertainty analysis driven by the availability of several model results  Availability of maps and numerical data through the webportal  Archives

4 EEA-PROMOTE users meeting, Copenhagen, 12 June 2008 IAQ products : ensemble forecasts

5 EEA-PROMOTE users meeting, Copenhagen, 12 June 2008 IAQ products : analysed maps (to be updated with current maps) Correction (analysis-simulation) Analysed maps Simulation 9 June 2008 Simulation

6 EEA-PROMOTE users meeting, Copenhagen, 12 June 2008 Targeted User Communities  Environmental national Organisations  Local air quality monitoring networks  Convention and Policy Entities  Atmospheric Science Community  Health Organisations  Individual Citizens

7 EEA-PROMOTE users meeting, Copenhagen, 12 June 2008 Users who signed a SLA and evaluate the service  AIRPARIF u Ensemble forecasts at the European scale for providing boundary conditions to their local air quality forecasting system u Interested in 3D concentration fields of ozone, PM and precursors u Scores and Uncertainty analysis u Basic products will be complete by mid-2008, score analysis by end-2008  EEA u Daily analysed maps of ozone corrected with NRT data available on the OzoneWeb (European scale) u Graphical product -> Communication issue (policy makers, general public) u Scores and uncertainty analysis u Products based on a single model available by mid-2008, ensemble tests by the end 2008

8 EEA-PROMOTE users meeting, Copenhagen, 12 June 2008 If you are interested in getting IAQ products….  Just contact Laurence Rouil (service leader) and Thilo Erbertseder (IAQ website master) for getting a user account  Specify the product your are interested in : u numerical data or graphical maps, u forecasts and/or analyses u geographical area for potential extraction u NRT products or archives u ….  Formalisation about our reciprocal commitments in a Service Level Agreement

9 EEA-PROMOTE users meeting, Copenhagen, 12 June 2008 After PROMOTE…. The GAS  PROMOTE provides a prototype of the regional air quality service that will be proposed in the future GMES Atmospheric Service (GAS)  It is based on existing products and established skills and experience  Further scientific aspects are investigated in the GEMS project (FP6)  Feasibility of the IAQ European platform has been demonstrated : it will be improved in the MACC project (Monitoring Atmospheric Change and Climate - FP7) u more models and more sophisticated ensemble approaches u new data assimilation procedures for the analyses u re-analyses over long periods (6 months - 1 year) using validated data u emergency scenarios  In any cases : the users’ needs will drive further developments

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