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VDM-SL Case Study Learning Outcomes At the end of this lecture you should be able to: Analyse and informally specify a complete system using UML class.

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Presentation on theme: "VDM-SL Case Study Learning Outcomes At the end of this lecture you should be able to: Analyse and informally specify a complete system using UML class."— Presentation transcript:

1 VDM-SL Case Study Learning Outcomes At the end of this lecture you should be able to: Analyse and informally specify a complete system using UML class diagrams; Develop a formal VDM specification from an informal UML specification. Rigorously interrogate a formal specification

2 The Requirements Definition The software is expected to be able to do the following: create a new account; remove an existing account; record a deposit transaction; record a withdrawal transaction; update the personal details (name, address and so on) of a customer's account; change the overdraft limit associated with an account; produce a statement of transactions associated with an account; display the balance of an account; display the personal details of an account.

3 The UML specification AccountSys accounts : Account [*] addAccount (AccNum, Details, Real) removeAccount (AccNum) deposit(AccNum, Date, Real) withdraw(AccNum, Date, Real) changeDetails(AccNum, Details) changeLimit(AccNum, Real) getAllTransactions(AccNum) : Transaction [*] getBalance(AccNum): Real getAccount(AccNum) : Account getDetails(AccNum) : Details getLimit(AccNum): Real getAllAccounts() : Account [*] contains(AccNum) : Boolean isEmpty() : Boolean getTotal() : Integer

4 Additional types: The Account type Account number: AccNum details : Details balance: Real limit : Real transactions: Transaction [*]

5 Additional types: The Transaction type Transaction date: Date type: TransactionType amount: Real

6 Additional types: The TransactionType type <<enumeration>> TransactionType withdrawal deposit

7 Formally specifying the types in VDM-SL: types AccNum = TOKEN Date = TOKEN Details = TOKEN TransactonType = < withdrawal >|< deposit >

8 Transaction::date : Date amount :  transactionType : TransactionType inv mk-Transaction(-,a,-)  a > 0

9 Account::number : AccNum details : Details balance :  limit :  transactions : Transaction* inv mk-Account(-,-,b,l,t)  l ≥ 0  b ≥ -l  balanceOf(t) = b limit is non-negative balance within limit balance matches transactions

10 Formally specifying the state in VDM-SL state AccountSys of accounts : inv mk-AccountSys(a)  account numbers in domain also in range AccountAccNum init mk-AccountSys(a)  a = {  } end  num  dom a  num = a(num).number

11 Auxiliary functions: balanceOf balanceOf( transIn : Transactions* ) total :  pre true postlet dep = [ transIn(i).amount | i  inds transIn  transIn(i).transactionType = ] inlet withd = [ transIn(i).amount | i  inds transIn  transIn(i).transactionType = ] in total = sum(dep) - sum(withd) ?? ? ?? ? ? ?? true

12 Auxiliary functions: sum sum :  *   sum(seqIn)  if seqIn = [ ] then 0 else hd seqIn + sum(tl seqIn)

13 Operation specifications: addAccount addAccount() ext pre post numberIn : AccNum, detailsIn : Details, limitIn :  AccountAccNum wr {numberIn  mk-Account(numberIn, detailsIn, 0, limitIn, []} accounts =  numberIn  dom accounts  limitIn  0 accounts:

14 Operation specifications: removeAccount removeAccount( ) ext pre post numberIn : AccNum AccountAccNum wr accounts = {numberIn } numberIn  dom accounts accounts:

15 Operation specifications: deposit deposit() ext pre post numberIn : AccNum, dateIn : Date, amountIn :  AccountAccNum wr let bal = ( (numberIn)).balance in let trans = ( (numberIn)).transactions in let newTrans = mk-Transaction(dateIn, amountIn,< deposit>) in accounts = † {numberIn   ( (numberIn), balance  bal + amountIn, transactions  trans ^ [newTrans])} numberIn  dom accounts  amountIn > 0 accounts:

16 Operation specifications: withdraw withdraw() ext pre post numberIn : AccNum, dateIn : Date, amountIn :  AccountAccNum wr let bal = ( (numberIn)).balance in let trans = ( (numberIn)).transactions in let newTrans = mk-Transaction(dateIn, amountIn,< withdrawal >) in accounts = † {numberIn   ( (numberIn), balance  bal - amountIn, transactions  trans ^ [newTrans])} numberIn  dom accounts  amountIn > 0  (accounts(numberIn)).balance - amountIn ≥ - (accounts(numberIn)).limit accounts:

17 Operation specifications: changeDetails changeDetails() ext pre post numberIn : AccNum, detailsIn : Details AccountAccNum wr accounts = † {numberIn   ( (numberIn), details  detailsIn)} numberIn  dom accounts accounts:

18 Operation specifications: changeLimit changeLimit( ) ext pre post numberIn : AccNum, limitIn :  AccountAccNum wr accounts = † {numberIn   ( (numberIn), limit  limitIn)} numberIn  dom accounts  limitIn  0  accounts(numberIn).balance  - limitIn accounts:

19 Operation specifications: getDetails getDetails( ) ext pre post numberIn : AccNumdetailsOut : Details AccountAccNum rd detailsOut = (accounts(numberIn)).details numberIn  dom accounts accounts:

20 Operation specifications: getBalance getBalance( ) ext pre post numberIn : AccNumbalanceOut :  AccountAccNum rd balanceOut = (accounts(numberIn)).balance numberIn  dom accounts accounts:

21 Operation specifications: getLimit getLimit( ) ext pre post numberIn : AccNumlimitOut :  AccountAccNum rd limitOut = (accounts(numberIn)).limit numberIn  dom accounts accounts:

22 Operation specifications: getAllTransactions getAllTransactions( ) ext pre post numberIn : AccNumtransactionsOut : Transaction* AccountAccNum rd transactionsOut = (accounts(numberIn)).transactions numberIn  dom accounts accounts:

23 Operation specifications: contains contains( ) ext pre post numberIn : AccNumquery :  AccountAccNum rd query  numberIn  dom accounts TRUE accounts:

24 Operation specifications: isEmpty isEmpty( ) ext pre post query :  AccountAccNum rd query  accounts = {  } TRUE accounts:

25 Operation specifications: getTotal getTotal( ) ext pre post totalOut :  AccountAccNum rd totalOut = card dom accounts TRUE accounts:

26 Rigorously checking specifications One of the advantages of formal specifications is that they can ‘tested’ before an implementation is developed. Informal Specification Formal Specification CODE Test

27 “If I create a new account with an overdraft limit of £200, I will not be allowed to withdraw £300 until after more money has been deposited.” Example addAccount (AccNum, Details, Real) removeAccount (AccNum) deposit(AccNum, Date, Real) withdraw(AccNum, Date, Real) changeDetails(AccNum, Details) changeLimit(AccNum, Real) getAllTransactions(AccNum) : Transaction [*] getBalance(AccNum): Real getAccount(AccNum) : Account getDetails(AccNum) : Details getLimit(AccNum): Real getAllAccounts() : Account [*] contains(AccNum) : Boolean isEmpty() : Boolean getTotal() : Integer

28 “If I create a new account with an overdraft limit of £200, I will not be allowed to withdraw £300 until after more money has been deposited.” Example addAccount ( AccNum, Details, Real ) ; withdraw( AccNum, Date, Real ); 001200 001300

29 addAccount() ext pre post numberIn : AccNum, detailsIn : Details, limitIn :  AccountAccNum wr { numberIn  mk-Account( numberIn, detailsIn, 0, limitIn, []} accounts =  numberIn  dom accounts  limitIn  0 accounts: withdraw() ext pre numberIn : AccNum, dateIn : Date, amountIn :  AccountAccNum wr numberIn  dom accounts  amountIn > 0  (accounts(numberIn)).balance - amountIn ≥ - (accounts(numberIn)).limit accounts: 001 200 001 300 200

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