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Autumn Bailey 9/13/10 Mrs. Anderson Endangered Species.

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Presentation on theme: "Autumn Bailey 9/13/10 Mrs. Anderson Endangered Species."— Presentation transcript:

1 Autumn Bailey 9/13/10 Mrs. Anderson Endangered Species

2 Description The African Wild Dog is the size of a medium domestic dog. There Latin name is Lycaon pictus. It means “painted wolf-like animal. Their fur is in shades of brown, black and a beige. They have large, rounded ears and dark brown circles around their eyes. African Wild Dogs have four toes instead of five like wolves and other dogs have.

3 How they live & where They live in packs that are usually dominated by a monogamous breeding pair. The female has a litter of 2 to 20. The pups are cared by the whole pack. They communicate by touch, actions, and vocalizations. African Wild Dogs live in the savannas, grasslands and open woodlands are the preferred habitats.

4 Size & Population The African Wild Dogs weighs between 37 and 80 pounds and measures 24 to 30 inches high. There are between 2,000 and 5,000 of there dogs remains in the wild, but mostly in game preserves.

5 Eat & Threats African Wild Dogs hunt in packs. They hunt antelope, zebras, wildebeest, springboks, gazelles, and impala. They face serious threats. Some are habitat loss, human persecution (hunting and poisoning), disease spread from domestic animals and isolated population.

6 Fun Facts They rarely stay in one place at one time. Has many names. Ex. Cape hunting dog, painted dog, and tricolored dog. Fossil remains seem to suggest that the African wild dog split from its Canid relatives about 3 million years ago. It has been known that the adult dog will look for days for a lost pup.

7 medium - largelarge

8 Breeding season There breeding season is around January to May.

9 African Wild Dogs These animals are beautiful creatures. I don’t understand why people would want to kill these animals. They do nothing wrong to harm people.

10 Save the animals that are becoming endangered!!!!

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