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Theories of Personality May: Existential Psychology

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1 Theories of Personality May: Existential Psychology
Chapter 12

2 Outline Overview of Existential Psychology Biography of Rollo May
Background of Existentialism The Case of Philip Anxiety Guilt Intentionality Care, Love, and Will

3 Outline Freedom and Destiny Power of Myth Psychopathology
Psychotherapy Related Research Critique of May Concept of Humanity

4 Overview of Existential Psychology
Rooted in European Existential Philosophy Based in Clinical Experience People live in the Present and are Responsible for Experiences People lack Courage to Face Destiny and Flee from Freedom Healthy People Challenge Destiny and Live Authentically

5 Biography of May Born in Ada, Ohio in 1909
B.A. from Oberlin College in 1930 Lived as an itinerant artist in Europe for three years after college, where he heard Adler speak Returns to the U.S. in 1933 Graduates from Union Theological Seminary with Master of Divinity in 1938

6 Biography (cont’d) Serves as a pastor for two years, then quits and begins to study psychoanalysis Received his PhD in clinical psychology from Columbia University in 1949 Published The Meaning of Anxiety in 1950 Served as visiting professor at institutions including Harvard and Princeton Died in Tiburon, California in 1994

7 Background of Existentialism
What Is Existentialism? Existence takes precedence over essence There is no split between subject and object People search for some meaning in their lives Each of us is responsible for who we are and what we become Basically Antitheoretical Basic Concepts Being-in-the-world Nonbeing

8 Being Being-in-the-world Alienation: The illness of our time
Seperation from nature Lack of meaningful interpersonal relationships Alienation from one’s authentic self Modes of being-in-the-world (simultaneous) Umwelt - the environement around us Mitwelt - relationship with other people Eigenwelt – our relationship with our self

9 Nonbeing or Nothingness
Fear of death Living defensively Not making active choices Expressed in the various forms

10 Anxiety Human Behavior Is Motivated by Sense of Dread and Anxiety
Normal Anxiety That “which is proportionate to the threat, does not involve repression, and can be confronted constructively on the conscious level” (May, 1967) Neurotic Anxiety “a reaction which is disproportionate to the threat, involves repression and other forms of intrapsychic conflict, and is managed by various kinds of blocking-off of activity and awareness” (May, 1967)

11 Guilt Guilt Arises when: Anxiety and Guilt are Ontological
People deny their potentialities Fail to accurately perceive the needs of others Remain oblivious to their dependence on the natural world Anxiety and Guilt are Ontological Three forms of Ontological Guilt: Umwelt Mitwelt Eigenwelt

12 Intentionality Intentionality is the structure that gives meaning to experience and allows people to make decisions about the future Bridges the gap between subject and object Can be unconscious

13 Care, Love, and Will Union of Love and Will Forms of Love
Sex – a biological process Eros – psychological Philia – intimate nonsexual friendship Agape – respect for others, alturistic love

14 Freedom and Destiny Freedom Defined Forms of Freedom What is Destiny?
Existential Freedom Freedom of doing/action Essential Freedom Freedom of being What is Destiny? Philip’s Destiny

15 The Power of Myth Myths have powerful effects on individuals and cultures Believed that Westerners have an urgent need for myths Because they have lost many of their traditional myths, they turn to religious cults, drugs, and popular culture to fill the vacuum People communicate on two levels: Rationalistic language Myth

16 Psychopathology Apathy and emptiness as the malaise of modern times
People have become alienated from the natural world (Umwelt), from other people (Mitwelt), and from themselves (Eigenwelt) Symptoms can be temporary or permanent Psychopathology is a lack of communication Inability to know others and to share oneself with them

17 Psychotherapy The goal of May’s psychotherapy was to make people more fully human (e.g., expand their consciousness) The purpose of psychotherapy is to set people free Existential psychotherapy de-emphasizes techniques while stressing the personal qualities of the therapist Must establish one-to-one relationship

18 Related Research Existential Anxiety Has Been Researched
An existential approach to the study of terror and death has carried over into “terror management,” a modern experimental offshoot of existential psychology Mortality Salience and Denial of Our Animal Nature Goldenberg et al. (2001) People distance themselves from animals because they remind us of our physical body and death Cultures differ in their denial of animal nature Cox et al. (2007) Goldenberg’s findings extended specifically to breast feeding Mortality salience increases disgust at breast feeding as at other creaturely behaviors Fitness as a Defense Against Mortality Awareness Arndt, Schimel, & Goldenberg (2003) Different levels of defense against mortality awareness People are motivated to fight against death and disease when their own mortality is made salient Terror management bolsters the fundamental principle of existential psychology that existential anxiety drives much of human behavior

19 Critique of May May’s Theory Is:
Moderate on Organizing Knowledge and Parsimony Low on Internal Consistency Very Low on Generating Research, Falsifiability, and Guiding Action

20 Concept of Humanity Free Choice over Determinism
Optimism over Pessimism Teleology over Causality Equal emphasis on Conscious and Unconscious and Social Influence and Biology Uniqueness over Similarity

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