Selfless Leadership Following the Example of Jesus.

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1 Selfless Leadership Following the Example of Jesus

2 Things I’ve Learned About Selfless Leadership  A level 5 Leader gives credit to others when things go good, and takes blame when things go wrong (From Good to Great ~ Collins)  Philippians 2:3 “Consider others better than yourself”  John 21:17 “Jesus says, ‘Feed my sheep’”  Ask the question, “What’s more important? Achieving your goals… or… helping others achieve theirs?  When you get home, more wag, less bite (Sonny Newton)  The wrong question is, “How much can I make?” Instead ask the question, “How much IMPACT can I make?”  “Humility is not thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less” ~C.S.Lewis

3 Examples from the Life of Jesus  Jesus owned nothing so he could travel light and be totally focused on others  He gave up family to be about His mission (Father’s business)  He was thoughtful of others needs, providing free food for his listeners  He helped fishermen catch fish (provision of others)  He healed people left and right… and not only did he never ask for anything, but he often instructed witnesses not to tell of it  And the ultimate act of selflessness: His death on the cross {Mentor Like Jesus}

4 Lessons from The Passion  Matthew 27:19 [read 11-25] (Pilate’s wife) “Have nothing to do with that righteous Man, for last night I suffered greatly in a dream because of Him”  Luke 23:14-49 [read 7-16] (Pilate) “having examined Him before you, I have found no guilt in this man… nor has Herod”  Luke 23:28 (Jesus) “Daughters of Jerusalem, stop weeping for Me, but weep for yourselves and for your children”  Luke 23:34 (Jesus) “Father forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing”  Luke 23:41-43 (Criminal) “…we are receiving what we deserve for our deeds; but this man has done nothing wrong” (Jesus) “Today you shall be with me in Paradise”  Luke 23:47 (Centurion) {Praising God} “Certainly this Man was innocent”  2 Cor. 5:21 “He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him”

5 Our Problem  We’re not Jesus… but He knew that when He commissioned us  P.27-28 MLJ “Everyone is interested in his own deal, not anyone else’s”  Our lives are busy, schedules filled up with our own stuff  There is our own futures to worry about (health, retirement, security)  We’ve trusted before & lost (how much can I trust others?)  We don’t recognize the leaders that we are  Doubt clouds whatever potential we have (but it’s really not OUR potential we need to rely on, whether it me $$ - time – ability – education)

6 You as a Selfless Leader  S = Serve, serve, serve  What is the most loving thing I can do in this leadership moment?  E = Empathy (walk a mile in their shoes)  Limit the words “I,” “my,” and “me”  R = Reciprocate (give back, pass on blessing, don’t become a parking spot for blessings or recognition)  Takes an EGO (Exalting God Only, not Edging God Out)  Power passes through me, not from me  V = Vision casting (be conscious of others’ future, and play a role)  Prepare others, Paint a picture, Guide their efforts  E = Empower (Pass on power, don’t harness it)  This shows trust{Lead Like Jesus}

7 Action Items  Take what you know about leadership (what are your favorite lessons learned on Selfless Leading?)  Take a lesson from how Jesus lived (what about Jesus’ life on Earth sticks out to you?)  Remember the extreme way Jesus died to self in The Passion  Recognize (even NAME) what is standing in your way of leading selflessly (and filter that through the three above take-away’s)  Write out a plan of how the SERVE acronym could look in your life

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