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Text Complexity and Close Reading for the Developing Reader Read 180 Common Core Kick-Off Judy Fuhrman K-12 Staff Developer.

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Presentation on theme: "Text Complexity and Close Reading for the Developing Reader Read 180 Common Core Kick-Off Judy Fuhrman K-12 Staff Developer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Text Complexity and Close Reading for the Developing Reader Read 180 Common Core Kick-Off Judy Fuhrman K-12 Staff Developer

2 Agenda O Text Complexity O Close Reading O Scaffolding O ApplicationObjective By the end of this session, participants will have experienced and practiced instructional methodology for R180 classrooms that supports close reading of more complex text.

3 CCSS for ELA & Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, & Technical Subjects Standard 10: Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity Read and comprehend complex literary and informational texts independently and proficiently.

4 Reading Between the Lines Iowa City, IA; ACT, Inc. (2006 Reading Between the Lines Iowa City, IA; ACT, Inc. (2006) Students… “must also develop special skills and strategies for reading text in each of the differing content areas (such as English, science, mathematics and history)— meaning that a student who “naturally” does well in one area may struggle in another.”

5 Text Complexity Reader and Task Qualitative Quantitative Levels of meaning, structure, language conventionality and clarity, and knowledge demands Readability measures and other scores of text complexity Reader variables (motivation, knowledge, experiences) and task variables (purpose & complexity generated by the task assigned and the questions posed)

6 Increasing Text Complexity O Use a text you teach frequently. Can you make it more complex by changing the task? O Take a task that is often very challenging for the students. Can you scaffold it with a more accessible text (stair stepping) O Compare texts. Can you make a central text more complex or more accessible?

7 What is the task? How can you change it?


9 Action Magazine

10 Compare & contrast the vocabulary and sentence structure.

11 Include much practice with summary writing.


13 buddies engage with challenging text – journal - discuss model complex approaches, like rhetorical argument use graphic organizers to make text structure visible immersion in complex language exposure introduce background knowledge Scaffolding for Text Complexity

14 Lexile Expectations

15 GrowthLEVELBOY Norms EOY Norms Change RUSD EOY Difference from Norms 7 th Grade 490579+109629+139 (+30) 9 th Grade 520613+93604+80 (-9)


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