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VIRTUAL REFERENCE A Work in Progress. A Transformation in Reference… New technologies Increased networking Bringing information to the user whenever and.

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Presentation on theme: "VIRTUAL REFERENCE A Work in Progress. A Transformation in Reference… New technologies Increased networking Bringing information to the user whenever and."— Presentation transcript:

1 VIRTUAL REFERENCE A Work in Progress

2 A Transformation in Reference… New technologies Increased networking Bringing information to the user whenever and wherever it is needed.

3 What is virtual reference? Real-time Anytime, anywhere 24/7 Point-of-need In-your-face

4 Virtual reference = library information services delivered via the Internet, including: E-mail Web-based forms Simple chat Web site “pushing” Web site “co-browsing”

5 Broadband Connections Audio and video conferencing Voice over IP (VoIP)

6 Asynchronous delivery E-mail Web-based forms Delayed reference interview User must wait for the answer

7 Synchronous delivery Chat Web site pushing or co-browsing Transforms library services from building- based to point-of-need.

8 A brief history of real-time online reference IPL starts using a MOO in November, 1995. First chat reference service at SUNY Morrisville, 1996. First Web-based chat service at Temple University, 1998. Santa Monica PL uses Web contact center software in July, 2000.

9 Since 2000, a phenomenal increase in real-time online reference services! Look at the two directories maintained by Gerry McKiernan and Stephen Francoeur.

10 Web contact center software Used by e-retailers like Land’s End and L.L. Bean. Pioneered by Susan McGlamery and Steve Coffman for use in libraries. Now used by most libraries providing real-time reference.

11 24/7 Reference Project’s Virtual Reference Toolkit Question Point, collaboration of OCLC and the Library of Congress Three innovative efforts to network reference services:

12 Broadband! Richer audio and visual environments Services in other languages NISO standards What’s in the future for virtual reference?

13 Future? Analysis of data from transcripts “Marketplace for reference services” Changing staffing patterns in libraries

14 Real-time online reference An exciting work in progress! A vision of point-of-need information Revitalizes the role of the library

15 Terms you will hear: AskA Services Co-browsing, escorting, pushing Knowledge base (local and global) Metadata Reference Front Ends

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