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OUR COMMUNITY. OUR FUTURE. Diasporas in the Age of Globalization Finding Your Way in a Diasporic Community: Dynamics, Challenges and Successes Fariborz.

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Presentation on theme: "OUR COMMUNITY. OUR FUTURE. Diasporas in the Age of Globalization Finding Your Way in a Diasporic Community: Dynamics, Challenges and Successes Fariborz."— Presentation transcript:

1 OUR COMMUNITY. OUR FUTURE. Diasporas in the Age of Globalization Finding Your Way in a Diasporic Community: Dynamics, Challenges and Successes Fariborz Birjandian Calgary Catholic Immigration Society

2 OUR COMMUNITY. OUR FUTURE. Development of the Emerging Diasporic Community in Calgary Diasporic Community Dynamics: Forced Migration vs Planned Migration

3 OUR COMMUNITY. OUR FUTURE. Case of Sudanese Diasporas in Canada/Calgary, 1998- 2010: 1998 Initial Formation/Settlement of Sudanese Diaspora Initial Settlement: Challenges and Successes Community Development Building Social Capital and Being in a Position of Influence in Host Country and Homeland

4 OUR COMMUNITY. OUR FUTURE. Sudanese Diasporas’ Impact on Local Community Sudanese Diasporas’ Impact on Southern Sudan: During the Conflict and Post-Conflict Reconstruction in Southern Sudan

5 OUR COMMUNITY. OUR FUTURE. Conclusion We need to learn about: The success of Diasporas in the host community and its impact on the homeland Diversity within the Diaspora community and its impact on integration in the host community

6 a stranger & you made me welcome I was OUR COMMUNITY. OUR FUTURE.

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