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Chris Follows University of the arts London ALT-C 2012 11 September 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Chris Follows University of the arts London ALT-C 2012 11 September 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chris Follows University of the arts London ALT-C 2012 11 September 2012

2 The DIAL project Digital Integration into Arts Learning Partially funded by JISC Exploring digital literacy in a practice based art and design context Two year project, year two. DIAL project aims to improve graduate employability and develop confidence and capability in the adoption and integration of digitally enhanced learning for staff and students.

3 What does a digital academic practice look like... In a practice based art and design context? Vocational and non-vocational courses with differing course specific approaches to industry engagement and real world practice? Specialist colleges and subject areas? Competitive environment?

4 What does a digital academic practice look like... With students who are: Studio-based independent learners Dependent on physical spaces, studio, workshop and specialist equipment, spaces and technical support (hard skills) Combine technical skills, contextual study and research With teaching staff who are: Industry professionals In high demand for studio based teaching and face-to-face contact time Practice based industry standard skills delivered by technical and academic staff

5 Challenges for digital academic practice based teaching Understand academic and professional practice as forms of identity work. Support students' emerging efforts to develop and manage online identities. Anxieties relating to presenting oneself online and developing professional open/online identities (lack of hard and soft skills and guidance). Teachers’ fear of learning/teaching in public (online practice) impacts on student development. Better Improve, experiment and understand flexible approaches to CPD & PPD staff development methods. Redefine the academic digital environment, clarification of VLE relevance in terms of flexibility to deliver an ‘Edu-Social’ experience, no middle ground to develop and experiment.

6 How can we best develop digital academic practice? Reframe academic practice at the public/private boundary. Experimentation in open and closed practice; develop outward facing course & personal profiles in new Edu-social spaces. Participation: Digital citizenship, professional learning network e.g. Online mentors, supervision & digital stewardship. Web making skills for staff and student (hard, Web community building skills for staff and student skills (soft, process.arts)

7 Thank you Chris Follows DIAL project Manager University of the Arts London 272 High Holborn London WC1V 7EY Email: Profile:

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