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Somatic Sensory Reflexes Neural Integration ANS

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Presentation on theme: "Somatic Sensory Reflexes Neural Integration ANS"— Presentation transcript:

1 Somatic Sensory Reflexes Neural Integration ANS
Nervous System: IV Somatic Sensory Reflexes Neural Integration ANS

2 Nervous System Design Sensory Receptors in PNS CNS Motor Effectors
Somatic: Tactile, Nocireceptors, Proprioceptors, Baroreceptors Special: Photoreceptors, Mechanoreceptors, Chemoreceptors CNS Spinal Cord Brainstem Cerebellum Thalamus Cerebral Cortex Motor Effectors Somatic Motor Autonomic Motor

3 Sensory Overview

4 CN: Special and Somatic Sensory

5 Somatic Sensory: Skin

6 Somatic Sensory: Proprioception


8 Dermatomes

9 Stretch Receptors

10 Golgi Tendon Organ

11 Intrafusal Fibers


13 Somatic Reflex Arc

14 Motor Response Neuromuscular Junction

15 Motor End Plate

16 Patellar Reflex: Monosynaptic

17 Polysynaptic Reflexes

18 Somatic Reflex Tests

19 Spinal Cord and Spinal Nerves

20 PNS  CNS for somatic sensory

21 Spinal Cord Gray and White Matter

22 Spinal Cord Histology Areas

23 Spinal Tract Names


25 Organization of Spinal Cord Segment

26 Spinal Tract Locations

27 Ascending Tracts: Specific
Dorsal Column – Medial Lemniscus Localized touch Gradations of touch Vibratory sensations Proprioception Pressure sensations Fasciculus Cunneatus Upper Limbs Upper Trunk Neck Fasciculus Gracilis Lower limbs Inferior trunk

28 Ascending Tracts

29 Dorsal White Columns

30 Ascending Tracts: Nonspecific
Anterolateral System Pain Temperature Crude touch Crude pressure Tickle / Itch Sexual sensations Spinothalamic tract Lateral Pain Temperature Anterior Crude Touch Crude Pressure

31 Spinothalamic Tracts

32 Localization of information: Spinal Nerve Input to Spinothalamic tract

33 Spinocerebellar Pathways
Posterior Cerebellar Trunk, lower limb proprioceptors Tendon stretch Ascend on same side to inferior cerebellar peduncle Anterior Cerebellar Ascend and cross twice to anterior cerebellar peduncle

34 Spinocerebellar Tracts

35 Somatosensory Reflexes

36 Descending Motor Tracts
Indirect / Extrapyramidal Tectospinal Coordinate reflexes to visual and auditory stimulus Vestibulospinal Muscle tone to extensors Posture and balance Rubrospinal Muscle tone to flexors Reticulospinal (A, M, L) Visceral motor tone Visceral motor functions Visceral reflexes Direct / Pyramidal Skeletal voluntary motor Corticobulbar CN motor Corticospinal Lateral Cross in medulla Anterior Cross in spinal cord

37 Descending Motor Tract Locations

38 Ventral White Matter Ventral White Axons leaving Gray Matter

39 Descending Motor Tract Functions

40 Corticospinal Tract Location

41 Corticospinal General Descending Pathway

42 Descending Somatic Pathway


44 Extra Pyramidal Tracts


46 Motor Tracts Compared

47 Basal Nuclei Adjust movement Rhythmic Cycles Communication Preparation
Coordinate Rhythmic Cycles Subconscious control Alter motor commands Communication In Caudate Putamen Out Globus Pallidus Thalamus

48 Basal Nuclei Afferents
Caudate and Putamen

49 Basal Nuclei Efferents
Globus pallidus to Thalamus

50 Basal Nuclei Regulation Summary

51 Thalamic Nuclei: Ventrolateral Group

52 Thalamus: Ventral Group

53 Thalamus: Dorsolateral

54 Thalamus: Dorsomedial Group

55 Thalamus: Anterior Group

56 Thalamus: Pulvinar

57 Thalamus: Geniculates
Medial Geniculate Lateral Geniculate

58 Problems

59 Spinal Nerve Rupture


61 Spinal Cord Tracts and related problems

62 Nervous System Organization: ANS

63 CNS and PNS for ANS

64 Somatic vs. Autonomic

65 Spinal Nerve Review

66 Pathways and Reflexes Compared for SNS and ANS

67 Lateral Gray Horn of Spinal Cord

68 ANS Divisions

69 Origins for Preganglionic ANS neurons

70 Postganglionic Neuron Pathways

71 Myelination vs Nonmyelination

72 ANS Motor

73 Preganglionic ANS neurons

74 Neuron Organization : Preganglionic Neurons, NT, and Receptors

75 Sympathetic NS

76 Lateral Gray Matter: ANS sensory and motor for Sympathetic Division

77 Sympathetic Chain

78 Sympathetic Chain Ganglia in cat

79 Sympathetic Chain Pathways

80 Thoracic Cord: Gray and White Ramus

81 Sympathetic Collateral Ganglia

82 Sympathetic Ganglion

83 Adrenal Medulla

84 Rami Communicans and Sympathetic Pathways

85 Ganglia Location

86 Parasympathetic NS

87 Parasympathetic Cranio-Sacral

88 Parasympathetic Ganglia

89 Parasympathetic Nerves
Cranio CN III CN VII CN IX CN X Sacral Splanchnic N.

90 CN X

91 CN X Motor pathways

92 CN X: Innervation

93 CN X: Sensory Inputs and Pathways

94 Synapse and Varicosities

95 ANS Neurotransmitters

96 ANS neurotransmitter receptors

97 Nicotinic Receptors Receptor Location Effect Nicotinic ganglionic
ANS ganglions Excitatory ANS postganglionic neurons Nicotinic Neuromuscular Junction Neuromuscular Junction Excitatory Skeletal m.

98 Muscarinic Receptors Receptor Location Effect Muscarinic M1
Sympathetic Postganglionics Ach Inhibit NE Relaxation of vascular Sm M. M2 Heart, Eye, GI, UG, Respiratory Inhibitory cAMP K+ influx M3 Vascular: dilation Exocrine Gland secretion PIP  DAG, IP3

99 Catecholamine Receptors: Alpha
Location Effects Alpha 1 Constriction of Vascular SmM & GI sphincters Pupillary dilation IP3/DAG  Ca++ Alpha 2 Inhibits post ganglionic Gi  inhibit cAMP

100 Catecholamine Receptors: Beta
Location Effects Beta 1 excitatory Heart, brain, kidney Adenyl Cyclase  cAMP Beta 2 Inhibits Vascular & Respiratory Sm M Excites Islet B Beta 3 Adipose cAMP

101 Parasympathetic Pathway Review

102 Cholenergic Neurotransmitters

103 ACh formation and recycling

104 Sympathetic Pathway Review

105 Adrenergic Neurotransmitters

106 Adrenergic Synapse

107 NT hydrolysis from Tyrosine

108 Enzymes in Catecholamine Formation

109 Catecholamine Breakdown
Uptake I Reuptake of NE into presynaptic neuron Monoamine Oxidase (MAO) breakdown Uptake II Reuptake of NE into non-neuronal cells Catechol-O-Methyltransferase (COMT) breakdown Glial cells Smooth Muscle Metabolites diffuse out MAO completes breakdown

110 NE

111 MAO Blocker

112 Chemicals in ANS Neurotransmitters Hormones ACh NE ATP VIP Dopamine
Metenkephalin Neuropeptide-Y Hormones Epinephrine Prostaglandins

113 Visceral Reflex Arc

114 ANS Referred Pain reflexes

115 Lateral Spinothalamic Pathway: Pain

116 Ascending Spinal Cord Tracts for ANS

117 Thalamic VPL input from Spinothalamic

118 Sensory Homonculus

119 Referred Pain

120 ANS Controls

121 ANS pathways for Hypothalamic Control


123 Medulla Oblongata Controls

124 ANS tests

125 Generalized ANS effects


127 Dual Innvervation

128 Dual Innervation Example

129 Dual Innervation: Salivary Glands

130 ANS drugs

131 Clinical ANS Applications

132 Questions?

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