Industrialization, Urbanization, & Immigration E.O.C. Review.

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Presentation on theme: "Industrialization, Urbanization, & Immigration E.O.C. Review."— Presentation transcript:

1 Industrialization, Urbanization, & Immigration E.O.C. Review

2 What was the Industrial Revolution? The Industrial Revolution was a period of time in American and World History in which there was a rapid growth in the use of new inventions, factories, cities, and immigration. The Industrial Revolution was a period of time in American and World History in which there was a rapid growth in the use of new inventions, factories, cities, and immigration.

3 When was the Industrial Revolution? 1880 to 1910 1880 to 1910 What century is this? What century is this? Answer: Late 19 th century to Early 20 st century Answer: Late 19 th century to Early 20 st century

4 Where was the Industrial Revolution? United States, silly! United States, silly! But, note that it occurred in Europe and England too. But, note that it occurred in Europe and England too.

5 Why did the Industrial Revolution Happen? Complex Question! Complex Question! It is because there was a rapid growth in the following things all at the same time… It is because there was a rapid growth in the following things all at the same time… Innovation  The growth in new inventions Innovation  The growth in new inventions Industrialization  The growth in factories and industry Industrialization  The growth in factories and industry Urbanization  The growth in people moving to the cities Urbanization  The growth in people moving to the cities Immigration  The growth of people moving to the U.S. from other countries Immigration  The growth of people moving to the U.S. from other countries

6 Innovation Immigration Industrialization Urbanization

7 After the Civil War in America, things began to change… People came up with new inventions [Innovation]  People came up with new inventions [Innovation]  Then there was a growth in using these inventions in factories. So, factories grew. [Industrialization]  Then there was a growth in using these inventions in factories. So, factories grew. [Industrialization]  Factories were in the cities, so people moved to the cities to find jobs, so then cities grew [Urbanization]  Factories were in the cities, so people moved to the cities to find jobs, so then cities grew [Urbanization]  Then people around the world heard about it, and began moving to the U.S. for jobs and better opportunities [Immigration] Then people around the world heard about it, and began moving to the U.S. for jobs and better opportunities [Immigration]

8 Innovation IndustrializationUrbanization Immigration


10 Push Factors Reasons people are being “pushed” or forced to move out of their home country to America Reasons people are being “pushed” or forced to move out of their home country to America Famine Famine Poverty Poverty No jobs No jobs Religious/political freedom Religious/political freedom


12 Types of Immigrants: There were 2 Types of Immigrants: There were 2 Types of Immigrants: Old Immigrants- mainly from northern and western Europe and China Old Immigrants- mainly from northern and western Europe and China New Immigrants- mainly from southern and eastern Europe New Immigrants- mainly from southern and eastern Europe America now more diverse America now more diverse

13 Immigration Stations: Immigrants had to enter through the United States in 1 of 2 places. These places were called Immigration Stations. Immigrants had to enter through the United States in 1 of 2 places. These places were called Immigration Stations. New York or San Francisco New York or San Francisco 1. Ellis Island, New York 2. Angel Island, San Francisco

14 New Industries Bessemer process makes steel cheaper to make. Railroads, ships, and construction uses a LOT of steel. Steel Oil becomes the primary fuel for I.R. machines. Oil Railroads had been around for a while, but cheaper and more abundant steel (see above) made railroads cheaper and easier to build. Railroad

15 Transcontinental Railroad May 10, 1869

16 Growth in Business During the I.R. there was a growth in businesses, and this led to a growth in… During the I.R. there was a growth in businesses, and this led to a growth in… Entrepreneurs  People who start their own business Entrepreneurs  People who start their own business Who were the most famous entrepreneurs of the day? Who were the most famous entrepreneurs of the day?

17 Carnegie Most famous Rags to Riches story Born in Scotland Moved to the US Steel tycoon The 20th century's most famous philanthropists

18 Rockefeller One of the richest men in American History One of the richest men in American History Founder of the Standard Oil Company Founder of the Standard Oil Company Started out small Started out small Accused of monopoly Accused of monopoly Philanthropist Philanthropist

19 So, How did these men and others get rich during the I.R.? ANSWER: Trust Trust Horizontal Integration Horizontal Integration Vertical Integration Vertical Integration Monopoly Monopoly







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