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World War II Conferences A series of conferences were held to determine the goals/issues of the war, and also to deal with the anticipated Post-War circumstances.

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2 World War II Conferences A series of conferences were held to determine the goals/issues of the war, and also to deal with the anticipated Post-War circumstances. Topic 21-2

3 The Atlantic Conference August 12-14 1941  Participants – FDR and Winston Churchill  Decisions:  Atlantic Charter Signed – became the basis for the U.N.  No Territorial Expansion  No territorial changes w/o consent of inhabitants  Self Determination, Mutual Cooperation  Disarming of aggressors

4 Casablanca Conference January 12-23, 1943  Participants - FDR and Winston Churchill (Stalin declines to attend)  Decisions:  Accept nothing less than unconditional surrender of the Axis Powers  +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++  (Note - This will ultimately lead to extending the war).

5 Moscow Conference - October 1943  Participants - FDR, Winston Churchill, Chiang Kai-shek, Josef Stalin  Decisions:  Affirm the basis of the United Nations (Atlantic Charter)  Unconditional Surrender reaffirmed  all matters relating to the surrender and disarmament of that enemy will be acted upon jointly

6 Moscow Conference - October 1943 continued….  Germany – Those responsible for war crimes will be sent to the countries in which the crime occurred to be judged according to the laws of that nation.  Italy - All institutions and organizations created by the Fascist regime shall be suppressed.  All Fascist or pro-Fascist elements shall be removed from the administration and from institutions and organizations of a public character

7 Cairo Conference November 22-26, 1943  Participants - FDR, Winston Churchill, Chiang Kai-shek  Decisions  Korea to be independent at war’s end. Taiwan to be returned to China from Japan

8 Teheran Conference November 28-December 1, 1943  Participants - FDR, Winston Churchill, Josef Stalin  Decisions:  Open a Second Battlefront in Europe.  Soviets to enter the war against Japan after the defeat of Germany.  Discussed demilitarization and occupation of Germany

9 Yalta Conference February 4-11, 1945  Participants - FDR, Winston Churchill, Josef Stalin  Decisions:  Germany to be disarmed and divided into 4 occupation zones.  Veto power to be given to the Big 5 nations at the UN.  Soviet Union to get 3 seats in the General Assembly in exchange for entering the war against Japan 2-3 months after Germany surrenders.  USSR pledges to hold free elections in Eastern Europe.  War Crimes trials to be held after the war

10 Potsdam Conference July 17 – August 2, 1945  Participants - Harry Truman, Josef Stalin, Clement Atlee/ Winston Churchill  Decisions:  Unconditional surrender by Japan or face “prompt and utter destruction.”  Set up a council to administer Germany  Set up machinery to negotiate peace treaties  Transfer of German people out of Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and Poland into Germany  Stalin announces that there will be no elections in Eastern Europe

11 Yalta 1945

12 Potsdam 1945

13 The Result?  The Allies win the war  Hard feelings and scheming play a big part  “Unconditional Surrender” edict extends the war  Ignoring Japan’s surrender attempt:  allows the US to demonstrate the Atomic Bomb  US and USSR to set up their post war positions as “Super Powers.”  FDR’s death empowers Stalin at Potsdam.

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