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Asaf Ben-Tulila 17 October 20151 English for advanced mechina tel aviv university 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Asaf Ben-Tulila 17 October 20151 English for advanced mechina tel aviv university 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Asaf Ben-Tulila 17 October 20151 English for advanced mechina tel aviv university 2011

2 Introduction Why did I choose it? What is it? How do you do it? History of bodybuilding Bodybuilding as a sport Q &A Appendix Bibliography 17 October 20152 English for advanced mechina tel aviv university 2011

3 Why did I choose it I choose to bring up this subject because I do it, and I believe it has a lot to offer, and most people do not know much about it. I thing its important for every one to work out To encourage others to adopt bodybuilding as a lifestyle. 17 October 20153 English for advanced mechina tel aviv university 2011

4 What is it Bodybuilding (the art of displaying the muscles of the physical body) Bodybuilding is a way of life unlike any other sport. It does not begin and end in the gym, but continues with you all day long for 24 / 7. Because you have to eat sleep and live it in order to properly do it, which means that you must follow scrupulously to a certain regime which we will discuss later. 17 October 20154 English for advanced mechina tel aviv university 2011

5 How to do it right In order to manage a bodybuilder lifestyle you must have strategy that assembles of the following essentials 3 things : Resistance weight training Nutrition Rest 17 October 20155 english for advenced mechina tel aviv university 2011

6 History The “Early Years” of Bodybuilding are considered to be the period between 1880 and 1930. It was promoted by a man from Prussia named Eugene Sandow,[1] who is now generally referred to as “The Father of Modern Bodybuilding On 16 January, 1904, the first large-scale bodybuilding competition in America took place at Madison Square Garden in New York City important bodybuilders in the early history of bodybuilding: Arnold Schwarzenegger, flex Weller, lee priest, jay cutler. 17 October 20156 english for advenced mechina tel aviv university 2011

7 Bodybuilding as a sport Like any other sport there is competitions that inspire and encourage others to engage this sport. Unlike any other sport you are being judged not by your physical capabilities but by your physique appearance. In countries like: United states, Russia, Germany and France, bodybuilding is an acceptable sport, that is under supervision and have a lots of fans and audience. 17 October 20157 english for advenced mechina tel aviv university 2011

8 Appendix MVsro MVsro BStjs4&feature=related BStjs4&feature=related 09s&feature=related 09s&feature=related 17 October 20158 english for advenced mechina tel aviv university 2011

9 Conclusion Bodybuilding can improve ones life It helps you physically as well as mentally There is no age for bodybuilding and every one can do it Its healthy and help you maintain a healthy lifestyle Feeling Good About Yourself. 17 October 2015 english for advenced mechina tel aviv university 2011 9

10 Bibliography References: 1. Sandow: Historic Photographs of Early Bodybuilders - The Sandow Museum: History of Bodybuilding - A Tribute to Eugen Sandow Homepage 2. The Mr. Olympia Bodybuilding Contest Trophy and Medal - I.F.B.B.: THE STORY OF THE MR. OLYMPIA TROPHY BY DAVID L. CHAPMAN. BIOGRAPHER OF EUGEN SANDOW. Article 3. Theunissen, Steve. Arnold & Steroids: Truth Revealed. Retrieved on 2007-02-27. 4. Manore, MM; Thompson J, Russo M (Mar 1993). “Diet and exercise strategies of a world-class bodybuilder.”. Int J Sport Nutr. 3 (1): 76-86.. PMID 8499940. 5. Michael W. King, Michael. Substrates for Gluconeogenesis. IU School of Medicine. 6. Lambert CP, Frank LL, Evans WJ. Macronutrient considerations for the sport of bodybuilding. Sports Med. 2004;34(5):317-27. PMID 15107010 7. Protein: a guide to maximum muscle: confused? Let us separate the gristle from the meat, Samantha Heller, Men’s Fitness, April 2004 17 October 201510 english for advenced mechina tel aviv university 2011

11 Q&A 17 October 201511 english for advenced mechina tel aviv university 2011

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