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One of Jesus’ disciples asked, “Lord teach us to pray…” Luke 11:1 1.He wanted to know how to worship. 2.He understood that worship is active.

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Presentation on theme: "One of Jesus’ disciples asked, “Lord teach us to pray…” Luke 11:1 1.He wanted to know how to worship. 2.He understood that worship is active."— Presentation transcript:


2 One of Jesus’ disciples asked, “Lord teach us to pray…” Luke 11:1 1.He wanted to know how to worship. 2.He understood that worship is active.

3 Worship can be taught, learned, and practiced.

4 I. Worship DEFINED There are ten Greek terms translated “worship” in the NT. The two most used and descriptive terms are 1) proskuneo (59 x), and 2) latreuo (18 x). Proskuneo focuses more on the attitude; latreuo focuses more the act. Worship involves the inner attitude as well as the external acts one offers.

5 II. Worship EXPLAINED Four FACTS about worship (John 4:19-24): 1.Worship is UNRESTRICTED (in locale). v. 21 2.Worship is PRESCRIBED. v. 22 3.Worship is DESIRED. v. 23 4.Worship is DIMENSIONAL. v. 24

6 Hard questions: Do I attend regularly where the church gathers for worship? Do I worship in the way God as prescribed in the NT? Am I active or passive in worship? Is my heart focused on worship or the more mundane matters of life?

7 III. Worship ABUSED Corinth faced worship problems: 1.Some were exalting emotions. 1 Cor. 12:2 2.Speaking in tongues provided a temptation to imitate pagan worship. 1 Cor. 14:15-16, 40 3.They practiced the form, but forgot the content of the Lord’s Supper. 1 Cor. 11:18, 20-21

8 We can be guilty of worship abuses today: 1.We can get the form correct, but miss the attitude. 2.We can get the correct spirit, but miss the proper form.

9 Conclusion: Worship is both a privilege as well as a responsibility. It is not to please us, but God. It is not to arouse, but to express spirituality. It is not to receive, but to give. We are not the audience, God is.

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