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Graphing Parameters Titles X-Axis Title Y-Axis Title Legend Scales Color Gridlines library(help="graphics") Basic Chart Types The R Graphics Package LineHistogram.

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Presentation on theme: "Graphing Parameters Titles X-Axis Title Y-Axis Title Legend Scales Color Gridlines library(help="graphics") Basic Chart Types The R Graphics Package LineHistogram."— Presentation transcript:

1 Graphing Parameters Titles X-Axis Title Y-Axis Title Legend Scales Color Gridlines library(help="graphics") Basic Chart Types The R Graphics Package LineHistogram ScatterBox

2 Histogram of NFL Offense hist(nfl$OffPtsA,freq=F, breaks = 25, ylim = c(0,0.14), col = "blue") curve(dnorm(x, mean=mean(nfl$OffPtsA), sd=sd(nfl$OffPtsA)), col="purple", add=T)

3 Grammar of Graphics formations Legend Axes Seven Components

4 The anatomy of a graph ggplot2 Components

5 In ggplot2 a plot is made up of layers. ggplot2 Plot

6 ggplot2: geoms Ch4HistogramDensityBoxplotScatter Basic Labels Colors

7 ggplot2: histogram

8 Histograms: NFL Example Create the plot object: nflHistogram <- ggplot(nfl, aes(OffPtsA)) + opts(legend.position = "none") Add the graphical layer: nflHistogram + geom_histogram(binwidth = 0.4 ) + labs(x = "NFL Offense Points", y = "Frequency")

9 Scatterplot: NFL Example

10 rCharts: Scatterplot

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