It’s an Information Jungle Out There!

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Presentation on theme: "It’s an Information Jungle Out There!"— Presentation transcript:

1 It’s an Information Jungle Out There!

2 Not All Web Sites are Equal How do you sort the good ones from the bad? How do you sort the good ones from the bad?

3 Let’s Imagine that Your Assignment is to… Write a report about Egyptian mummies Write a report about Egyptian mummies

4 How Will You Find Information? Many students use the Internet first because it’s fast!

5 Web Sites on Egyptian Mummies….. With a few mouse clicks on a search engine, you’ll find hundreds or thousands of web sites With a few mouse clicks on a search engine, you’ll find hundreds or thousands of web sites

6 How Will You Know Which Web Sites are the Best? Which web sites do I trust? How can I tell if the Web Site has accurate information?

7 For Reliable Searching on the Internet… Use reputable search engines that are owned and managed by professional librarians, such as They are custom safe Google search engines that only search web sites recommended by librarians, teachers, and educational consortia

8 For Reliable Searching on the Internet… Use Internet directories sponsored by educators or librarians such as… Use Internet directories sponsored by educators or librarians such as… Internet Public Library ( Internet Public Library ( Best Info on the Net Best Info on the Net(

9 For Reliable Searching on the Internet… Use databases that your school library subscribes to Ask your librarian how to access them at school AND at home

10 Why Aren’t all Web Sites Equal? Remember that anyone can build a web site I create web sites in my spare time!

11 Why Aren’t all Web Sites Equal? Some web sites have information that is wrong or misleading Some web sites have information that is wrong or misleading Hey dude, that web site says there’s no school today!

12 Why Aren’t all Web Sites Equal? Some web sites are more interested in selling something—a product or a point of view—than providing the straight facts Some web sites are more interested in selling something—a product or a point of view—than providing the straight facts This water has been proven to be the best for your health!

13 When You’re On Your Own… Use these eight critical research skills to distinguish good web sites from the bad

14 Eight Critical Research Skills 1.Who sponsors the Web site? The name of the person or group in charge of the site should be on their home page. The name of the person or group in charge of the site should be on their home page. Is the sponsor trying to sell a product or promote a political view? Is the sponsor trying to sell a product or promote a political view?

15 Critical Research Skills 2.Who wrote the material? If no one takes responsibility for the content, don’t trust the information. Is the author an expert in the subject? If so, the content is likely to be good.

16 Critical Research Skills 3. How much information does the site provide? The site is really helpful if it is rich in content. Is the information complete?

17 Critical Research Skills 4.Is the information balanced? Beware of sites that give only one side of a controversial issue or that try to persuade you to accept one point of view. Beware of sites that give only one side of a controversial issue or that try to persuade you to accept one point of view.

18 Critical Research Skills 5. Is the material well written? Are the pages full of misspelled words and bad grammar? The facts may be inaccurate as well. Are the pages full of misspelled words and bad grammar? The facts may be inaccurate as well. Didn’t they use a spell- checker???

19 Critical Research Skills 6. When was the Web Page last updated? Look for dates on the page. A page that hasn’t been updated may contain outdated information. Last Updated June 1, 1985

20 Critical Research Skills 7. Does the site list reliable sources for the information it provides? Where did the information come from? My web site doesn’t need any sources!

21 Good Web Sites… A good site will give you a way to check the information A good site will give you a way to check the information A good site will have updated links to other sources of information on the Web A good site will have updated links to other sources of information on the Web

22 Critical Research Skills 8. Is the site easy to use? Can you go to any place on the site from one page? This is so easy to use!

23 Use these eight critical research skills…. 1) Who sponsors the Web site? 2) Who wrote the material? 3) How much information does the site provide? Is it complete? 4) Is the information balanced?

24 Use these eight critical research skills…. 5) Is the material well written? 6) When was the Web Page last updated? Is it current? 7) Does the site list reliable sources for the information it provides? 8) Is the site easy to use?

25 Use these eight research skills… and you’ll be a successful Internet user!

26 Presentation by: Dr. Michael Bell and Carole Bell, Librarians/teachers for over 35 years! Dr. Michael Bell and Carole Bell, Librarians/teachers for over 35 years! Webmasters and Owners of Webmasters and Owners of Contact us at:

27 Citations Clipart from Microsoft Clip Art Gallery Clipart from Microsoft Clip Art Gallery Original music produced from Apple’s GarageBand Original music produced from Apple’s GarageBand It's an Information Jungle Out There! by Carole and Michael Bell is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. Based on a work at It's an Information Jungle Out There! by Carole and Michael Bell is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. Based on a work at and Michael BellCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported Licensewww.infotopia.infoCarole and Michael BellCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported Contact us at:

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