Career Development & Grantsmanship. Academic Careers: Key Issues To PhD or not to PhD: I wish I knew If no… what’s next? If yes… a. Where? b. How? c.

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Presentation on theme: "Career Development & Grantsmanship. Academic Careers: Key Issues To PhD or not to PhD: I wish I knew If no… what’s next? If yes… a. Where? b. How? c."— Presentation transcript:

1 Career Development & Grantsmanship

2 Academic Careers: Key Issues To PhD or not to PhD: I wish I knew If no… what’s next? If yes… a. Where? b. How? c. Who? d. When?

3 I wish I knew… Any money in this game? ca/english/publication s/salarydisclosure/20 06/univer06.html ca/english/publication s/salarydisclosure/20 06/univer06.html What do professors do? Research Teaching Service Flexibility: Any 70 hours a week

4 If not a PhD… then What? MSc as focused expertise Specialist vs. MBA generalist Put together with experience base The DBA as a PhD alternative

5 If not PhD’s, where are they? Red Crow College Financial Analyst Investment Counselor Research Consultant Family business Homemaker Consulting Alberta Gov’t Analyst Research Consultant Lecturer: UNB Homemaker Lecturer: UofL Marketing Research Commodity Pricing Analyst FedEx China Real Estate Specialist

6 If PhD… Where? Not where you want to end up unless more than one school in town Trickle down of graduates rankings/mba/ranking s.html rankings/mba/ranking s.html AACSB

7 Where have people gone? PhD USM (Malaysia) PhD U Victoria PhD Western Ontario PhD U of Alberta PhD Queens PhD Monash PhD U of Calgary PhD Concordia PhD UBC PhD Texas A&M

8 If PhD… How? Coursework Model – North American – Residential – Coursework + Comps + Diss Non-coursework Model – Europe & Australia – Nonresidential is possible – Proposal + Diss

9 If PhD… Who? By your supervisor shall ye be known… All faculty are risky but junior faculty are particularly risky Supervisor interruptus is survivable Look for depth in area vs. single star

10 If Phd… when? “Daddy, will I be still going to school when I’m as old as you?” Many come late to academia – esp in business Work/family balance Pension / mandatory retirement

11 OK, I’m ABD… now what? DON’T LEAVE!!!! Teaching experience Presentations / Pubs Go on the market Your supervisor should contact his/her network Go to your area’s recruiting conference

12 Successful Grantsmanship Turning Words into Dollars

13 Standard Research Grants Programmatic research Detailed (do-able) method Budget that is heavy on grad student salaries and light on course buy-outs, travel and toys

14 Standard Grants: Multi-disciplinary Dynamic and evolutionary models of urban and regional systems Principal Investigator: Roger White (Geography, Memorial University) Status: Co-investigator Location: Memorial University; Research Institute for Knowledge Systems - Maastricht, The Netherlands; Los Alamos National Laboratories - New Mexico, USA Awarded budget: $128,000.00 New SSHRC Core Value: Interactive Engagement Few and far between Meaningful, intensive and connected: Networking Shared infrastructure Global presence

15 Strategic Themes Challenges and Opportunities in the Knowledge Based Economy Principal Investigator: Wade Locke (Economics, Memorial University) Status: Co-investigator Location: Memorial University (Arts & Science and Business Administration) and Dept. of Development & Rural Renewal, Government of Newfoundland & Labrador Awarded budget: $495,000.00 New SSHRC Core Value: Maximum Knowledge Impact What good is it? Political agenda Targeted programs Initiative on the New Economy Community-University Research Alliances Identify and work with knowledge ‘users’

16 Human Subjects Approval “Ethics” approval of proposed research Submitted to MSc Mgt Program Committee for review prior to commencing research h/funding/forms/Appli cation_for_Ethical_Re view_of_Human_Subj ect_Research.doc h/funding/forms/Appli cation_for_Ethical_Re view_of_Human_Subj ect_Research.doc

17 More Questions ???

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